How To Immigrate To Poland

How To Immigrate To Poland
How To Immigrate To Poland

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From an anecdotal "not abroad" Poland has turned into an economically developed state, very comfortable for life. In addition, she is a full member of the European Union, and citizens of this country can freely move throughout the territory of the Commonwealth. It is not surprising that many Russians are seriously considering moving to Poland for permanent residence. That's quite possible. There are several legal ways to obtain a temporary residence permit, and subsequently citizenship.

How to immigrate to Poland
How to immigrate to Poland

It is necessary

  • - international passport;
  • - money for living, tuition fees or starting a business;
  • - a document confirming knowledge of the Polish language;
  • - bachelor's diploma.


Step 1

Choose the move option that suits you best. You can enroll in one of the Polish universities, find a life partner - a citizen of this country, open your own business in Poland, or get a job in a local company.

Step 2

When considering the most suitable way of immigration, study Polish. Please note that in some cases (for example, when registering at an educational institution) you will be required to have an official document certifying your level of knowledge.

Step 3

The most suitable option for young people is to study at a Polish university. Higher education for foreigners is paid, but the prices are low. A number of scholarships are provided for Russians that fully cover the tuition fee. Before enrolling, you will need to pass exams and confirm your level of knowledge of the Polish language. During your studies, you are guaranteed a temporary residence permit. However, study is not a basis for permanent residence and subsequent citizenship. Therefore, foreign students planning to stay in the country will have to find work on their own. During their studies, they can work - but no more than 6 months a year.

Step 4

The search for an employer interested in providing you with a place can also be carried out by those who do not have a diploma from a Polish university. If you are the owner of a demanded specialty, speak English and Polish, your chances are quite high. Look for work on specialized sites or with the help of intermediary companies. Carefully study the incoming offers and immediately weed out those that provide for illegal stay in the country.

Step 5

Another way to leave is with a citizen or a citizen of Poland. Women can contact a marriage agency - this is a fairly popular way of dating. However, do not try to organize a fictitious marriage - the reality of feelings will have to be proved, and the residence permit will have to be renewed annually. You can obtain citizenship after 5 years of marriage.

Step 6

Russians wishing to open their own business in Poland can also apply for a temporary, and subsequently a permanent residence permit. For foreigners, only the registration of a company is possible - the status of an individual entrepreneur is available only to Polish citizens. The advantage of business emigration is that opening a company makes it possible to register a spouse in it, which means that the whole family can move. Owning your own business, you do not have to be permanently on the territory of the country. After five years of stay, you can apply for citizenship, provided there are no problems with the police and tax authorities.
