A vacation in the country or at the sea helps to reboot and relax, gain energy and get a lot of positive emotions. However, after returning home, many do not feel a surge of strength, but an out of nowhere that came from melancholy and apathy. Bad mood, fatigue and an irresistible desire to quit work appear.

The thing is that during a vacation, the body relaxes as much as possible. The psychological and biological rhythm of life is changing - this applies to mental as well as physical activity, duration of sleep and wakefulness, nutrition, emotional design of life, change of climatic zones. It is noticed that the more intense and vivid the rest was, the more difficult it is in the future it is possible to return to the previous way of life and work.
Therefore, it will not be superfluous to adhere to certain rules so that returning to work does not become an impetus for dismissal.
1. Before going on vacation, you should make sure that all important matters are completed. Then they will not need to be completed, which means there will be less work.
2. It is worth returning to work on Thursday or Friday. This will give you the opportunity to work a day or two, take a break for the weekend and get down to work with renewed strength.
3. To make the ceremony of farewell to the vacation. To do this, you can bypass all the places that are associated with the outgoing vacation a few days before going to work. If the vacation was far away, then you should meet with family and friends, share with them pleasant memories of your vacation, distribute souvenirs, show pictures or video filming.
After the positive emotions are experienced anew, there will be no place for longing and sadness for the pleasant moments that have passed away, you will no longer want to feel nostalgic for them.
4. First of all, put things in order. It might be worth revisiting your desk drawers or paper shelves, work supplies, or redecorating your duty station. It may be worth updating some programs on your computer or disassembling old folders for which there was no time.
5. It will not be superfluous to make a to-do list for the current day, as well as one more list for the next week. It is necessary to include in it not only important and global tasks, but also smaller, routine, insignificant ones. This will allow you to coordinate the work schedule and save you from unexpected problems, such as lack of paper in the printer or forgotten uniforms.
6. Do not stay late at work. In the first days after the vacation, it is difficult to perform feats and self-sacrifice, so you should enter a new rhythm of life smoothly. It is worth paying attention to the daily routine, you need to go to bed early.
7. Fresh air should be abundant, you should not limit yourself to sunlight and exercise. The diet should include foods that are natural antidepressants, it can be bananas, figs, dried dates, chocolate.
Scientists have noticed that you can get the most out of your vacation if you break it down into several parts.
The shorter the rest, the more vivid events and moments in it and the more strongly it beats back in memory. Plus, it's always easier to get back to work after a short vacation.