Rivers are varied in depth, water content, current intensity, length, but all of them, as a rule, have a relatively small width. Usually you can see the other from one side of the river. but this does not apply to La Plata - it is the widest river in the world.

The widest of all in the world is the river that flows on the border of Uruguay and Argentina is La Plata.
The Silver River, as the local population calls it. It was first discovered by Spanish sailors and were amazed at its size and extent. The name, interestingly, came from the British and was originally a comparison with a large plate, and meant "river plate". The widest river in the world is formed from the Parana river system, with the Paraguay tributary and the Uruguay river, with which it merges.
The basin of this river is really huge, it is located on an area of three million square kilometers, which is about 20% of the entire area of the continent. The river flows through Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay and parts of Argentina and Brazil.
La Plata flows into the Atlantic Ocean, its muddy and yellowish water spreads in it for as much as 120 kilometers.
The waters of this river are also known for the fact that a large number of various animals live there. Especially schools of some species of fish and turtles. But the rarest representatives can be considered dolphins that live only in the basin of this river. This is the only species of river dolphins in the world that is able to survive in the ocean as well.
Navigation in these waters is underdeveloped, mainly due to the numerous shoals and a large amount of river silt. There are ports at Montevideo and Buenos Aires, the only major ports on this vast river.
This river is the most active use of water resources throughout South America. The largest number of inhabitants of the states through which it passes is concentrated on its shores. Population growth in such places is steadily increasing. Also, along the banks of La Plata, there is a huge number of different enterprises that produce various types of industrial goods and food products. The river has twenty large reservoirs and eleven hydroelectric power plants located on it. This affects the state of this huge reservoir, but recently active measures have been taken to restore the ecology and protect the environment.