Is It Worth Going To Cuba To Rest In August?

Is It Worth Going To Cuba To Rest In August?
Is It Worth Going To Cuba To Rest In August?

Cuba has sandy beaches, warm azure ocean waters and an abundance of fruits. It is warm here all year round, however, due to tropical rains, it is not always comfortable to rest on Liberty Island. At the same time, the rainy season has a big advantage - low prices for housing and tours.

Cuba beaches
Cuba beaches

The Republic of Cuba is located in a zone dominated by a tropical trade wind climate. The average annual air temperature in Cuba is + 20 … + 30 ° C. The climate here is significantly influenced by the trade winds characteristic of tropical latitudes. The rainy season is from May to October.

Weather in Cuba in August

The heaviest tropical rainfall occurs in Cuba in June and October. In August, precipitation is less abundant, although Caribbean cyclones sometimes bring hurricane winds accompanied by heavy rains. But hurricanes do not happen every year, and you can always find out about their approach from local weather forecasts.

The total number of rainy days in August usually does not exceed ten. The water temperature in the ocean is + 26 … + 28 ° C. And the air warms up to + 30 … + 35 ° C during the day. If a downpour suddenly begins, then it lasts no more than 20 minutes. After the rain, there is a refreshing coolness, but after a couple of hours it gets hot. Due to the high humidity of the air, heat is not tolerated well. Not every tourist will like such weather conditions. Due to the heat and high humidity in August, it is not recommended to travel to Cuba with small children.

Since August is considered a low season, there are not many tourists in Cuba this month. Moreover, housing prices in August are significantly lower than in the period from November to April. Some tour operators sell last minute deals to Cuban resorts in August. Therefore, a trip to Cuba at the end of the summer is good because you can save on vacation. However, you will have to take with you not only sunscreen, but also a raincoat or an umbrella.

What to do in Cuba in August

The rainy season is a suitable period for sightseeing holidays, visiting museums, concert halls and restaurants. But since it rains not every day and does not last long, you can also swim and sunbathe.

Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy water sports such as diving, snorkeling, windsurfing or learning how to operate a small sailing vessel. You can also have a good time by going for a walk in one of the national parks.

At the end of summer, Cubans are busy harvesting fruits. Therefore, in local markets, the stalls will be overflowing with ripe tropical fruits. But when buying them, tourists should not forget that in southern countries it is strongly discouraged to eat unwashed gifts of nature. This is fraught with not only intestinal disorders, but also infectious diseases.
