The Black Sea washes the shores of many states, including Russia. During the Soviet era, a huge number of people rested in the Black Sea resorts of the Crimea and the Caucasus. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the number of holidaymakers dropped sharply, but recently the shores of this sea have again become a very popular holiday destination. Are there creatures that are dangerous to humans?

Black Sea jellyfish - it is better not to touch them
Fortunately, there are no truly dangerous creatures in the Black Sea, the meeting with which threatens people with severe poisoning, injury or even death. However, you should still beware of some of its inhabitants. For example, in shallow waters there is often found cornerot jellyfish (Rhizostoma pulmo), which has a characteristic dense "dome". Its stinging cells, located on the mouth lobes under this dome, burn rather badly.
Another large Black Sea jellyfish, aurelia, (long-eared jellyfish) is considered by many people to be completely safe, because its stinging cells, located at the edges of the dome, are much weaker than those of the cornerot, and cannot pierce the skin. Nevertheless, if a person touches this jellyfish, and then, without washing his hands, rubs his eyes or touches his lips, tongue, the sensations will be very unpleasant.
Although Black Sea jellyfish are immeasurably less dangerous than, for example, the infamous "Portuguese ship" ("sea wasp"), it is better not to approach them and, moreover, not to touch them.
What fish of the Black Sea are dangerous to humans
Large sharks, which could pose a danger to humans, are not found in the Black Sea. The largest Black Sea shark is the Katran, which does not exceed 1 meter in length. Moreover, it is a very shy fish that very rarely swims up to the shore. However, it can be dangerous for fishermen who pull it out of the water upon capture, since there are sharp poisonous thorns in the dorsal fins of the katran. Their injections are very painful.
For bathers and scuba divers, the sea ruff, or the Black Sea scorpion, is a danger. This is a very strange (if not ugly)-looking fish, in the dorsal fin of which, like the katran, there are poisonous thorns. At the slightest threat, the scorpion fish spreads this fin, thereby defending itself. This fish is difficult to spot as it lies between rocks and changes color while camouflaging. Therefore, you can easily touch it without noticing it. And a poisonous thorn prick is very painful.
In addition to pain, the temperature often rises, the skin around the injection site turns red and swells. It is recommended to take pain relievers and antiallergic medications.
Stingrays can also pose a danger to humans in the Black Sea: sea fox and stingray (sea cat). True, they are very shy and try to avoid places where there are many people swimming.