The choice of the route should be based on several factors: the time you plan to spend on the way, the number of attractions you want to see, and, of course, the method of transportation.

Step 1
When traveling, always plan your itinerary in advance. It is better if the main points are marked on the map, then you can imagine how accurately the route was calculated.
Step 2
Consider the points that you will visit along the route in advance. Mark on the map where you can refuel (if you are traveling by car), dine, sleep. So you can roughly calculate the time it will take you to get from one point to another.
Step 3
Mark points of interest on the map. Very often, on the way from one to the other, you come across quite interesting, but practically unknown places for tourists. Try to find out in advance what to see on the route.
Step 4
Allow extra time for contingencies. The road may be blocked and you will have to take a detour. Or the museum is closed - the destination, and you go in search of another. If this is not taken into account, the entire route will have to be redone. And so, having time left, you will be sure that you will have time to visit everything that you have planned.
Step 5
Don't make the route too difficult. It is better to schedule no more than three points per day, and even then, if they are close to each other.
Step 6
If you are moving from city to city, plan to stay overnight in hotels. So you will not only relax after a difficult day, but also enjoy the beauty of the city at dusk and dawn.
Step 7
The shortest path is not always the fastest. In Russia there are a lot of roads with damaged surfaces and dirt roads. Sometimes it is better to drive an extra hundred kilometers on the highway than to shorten the path off-road, where you can get stuck for a long time. When choosing a route, think over in advance all the travel options from one point to another.
Step 8
Do not be afraid to change your route if you see that you have chosen not the best road. In life, everything may turn out to be completely different from what is drawn on the map. Be prepared for this and do not worry if the original plan has undergone some changes.