How To Make A Route In Southeast Asia

How To Make A Route In Southeast Asia
How To Make A Route In Southeast Asia

If you are already tired of lying on the beach for two weeks and taking walks from the hotel to the sun lounger, then it's time to plan an independent trip visiting several countries. Southeast Asia is one of the easiest and most comfortable regions for this purpose.

How to make a route in Southeast Asia
How to make a route in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia has many advantages. First, from the "distant" directions, this is one of the safest. Caution should be exercised only in some regions of countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia. But even there, the likelihood of armed robbery in broad daylight is negligible. Secondly, travel is relatively cheap. There are many low cost airline companies in Asia as well as bus companies. Thirdly, in most countries (this does not apply to Singapore), prices for accommodation and food are low, even taking into account the current ruble exchange rate. Fourth, it is not necessary to book accommodation in advance, you can always find a bungalow or hotel on the spot.

So where to start. With the study of information about the countries. Check out the travel forums for independent travelers where people describe their trips. Do not read articles written on the websites of travel agencies! As a rule, they are written by copywriters to order and have very little to do with reality, moreover, they have a pronounced advertising character. Define for yourself the countries you would like to visit.

Be sure to check the seasonality. Yes, it is always warm in this region, but the rainy season can pretty much spoil the situation, and even increase the risk of contracting tropical diseases. Please note that the rainy season may vary in intensity and at different times in different parts of the country.

Most of the countries of Southeast Asia do not require a visa for a certain time of stay or are put on arrival. There is visa-free transit in Singapore.

If your budget is tight, then look for the best deals. The most convenient way to use search engines is aggregators. Please note that such sites have a "compound route" function, that is, with arrival in one city and departure from another. This can be very handy. You can search for flights from European cities: Helsinki, Rome, Madrid, Berlin. Although recently it has been cheaper to fly from Russia.

What is the best way to combine countries? There can be many options, for example: Thailand and Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, Thailand, Burma and Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.

Decide for yourself what you would most like to see and how to allocate time between attractions, active and beach holidays. The most beautiful beaches in any country are usually located on the islands.

Mark the cities and places you want to visit. Some transfers may be cheaper by bus or ferry. But pay attention to distances. For example, buses run from Ho Chi Minh City to Sien Reap in Cambodia, but the trip is so long that it does not give any pleasure. It's easier to fly by plane. On the other hand, it is very pleasant to go to Chang Island from Pattaya by mini-bass and then by ferry. There is no need to book buses and ferries in advance, tickets can always be bought on the spot.

An example of a simple route: Moscow - Bangkok - Koh Samui (plane) - Bangkok - Sien Reap (plane) - Ho Chi Minh City (plane) -Phan Thiet (bus) - Ho Chi Minh City - Moscow. So you can combine everything: a great beach vacation in Koh Samui, visiting temples in Cambodia and kitesurfing in Vietnam. Another example: Moscow - Kuala Lumpur - Singapore (plane or train) - Denpasar (plane) - Kuala Lumpur (plane) - Moscow.

Make the route flexible. It is enough to book one or two nights in each place, if you do not like it, you can make adjustments depending on the situation.

Be sure to buy health insurance. Medicine for foreigners is very expensive.

Do not overestimate your possibilities, first visit popular tourist routes: big cities and famous resorts. So far, you should not seek your fortune in the wild jungle and try to go where the European has never gone before. Also, do not go to extremes between fear and the desire to try absolutely everything. Asian culture, lifestyle, food, climate are unusual for a Russian person, so it is best to stick to the golden mean.
