Bulgaria is one of the few countries where the package of documents for moving to which is minimal. But to become a full citizen of this country, you will have to put in a lot of time and effort, taking into account all the nuances.

Step 1
A residence permit (residence permit), and in the future the status of permanent residence (long-term or permanent residence visa in Bulgaria) can be obtained on the following conditions: 1. Open a representative office of your company (LLC) in Bulgaria, paying from € 3000 to € 5000. However, in 5 years, you will have to keep a considerable authorized capital in Russia, pay taxes to the treasury of both countries. 2. Provide jobs for at least ten Bulgarian citizens by opening your own company. To do this, it is necessary to study the specifics of the Bulgarian market in order to interest potential employees and not arouse unnecessary suspicion from the supervisory authorities. 3. Invest in the Bulgarian economy at least € 500,000, which automatically guarantees a permanent residence visa (permanent residence). The downside is obvious. 4. Get a diploma in one of the Bulgarian universities. In Bulgaria, education, as in Russia, lasts 5 years and is expensive for foreigners. And although at the end of it a work experience of 2, 5 years will be accrued and (subject to the conditions of not leaving) the right to obtain permanent residence status, you will have to take care of further employment yourself. 5. Have enough funds for a comfortable life. This program is for retirees only.
Step 2
You can get a long-term stay visa in Bulgaria (subject to the law on foreigners) after 5 years at any Bulgarian consulate (visa “D”). After 5 years of being in permanent residence status, Bulgarian citizenship is issued.
Step 3
In the future, within 5 years before obtaining a visa "D" (long-term stay), the residence permit will have to be renewed annually. At the same time, it is allowed to leave Bulgaria for no more than 183 days a year (six months) and no more than 10 months in all 5 years.
Step 4
Knowledge of the Bulgarian language and repeated visits to Bulgaria as a tourist will make it easier to obtain a residence permit.