The beautiful and mysterious Kingdom of Thailand attracts thousands of tourists every year. To enjoy the snow-white beaches, exotic fruits, monuments of ancient culture and the warm sea, you just need to save some money, take a vacation and apply for a visa to Thailand.

international passport; - a copy of the passport; - 2 color photographs 3 * 4 cm; - completed form; - certificate from the place of work with an indication of the position for workers; - certificate from the place of study for students; - a document confirming financial viability: a bank statement for at least USD 600 or copies of traveler's checks for the same amount
Step 1
Visa-free entry Do not worry about a visa if you plan to come to Thailand for a couple of weeks and do not intend to leave the country during this period. Russian citizens are allowed a visa-free stay in the Kingdom of Thailand for up to 30 days. At the airport, at passport control, they will put a stamp or a sticker on your passport. Please note that the passport must be valid for at least six months from the day you leave the country.
Step 2
Single Entry Tourist Visa Apply for such a visa at the Thai Embassy. There are embassies in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vladivostok. You can apply for a visa yourself or contact a travel agency. Upon entering the country, you will be stamped allowing you to stay in the country for 60 days. If you wish, you can extend this period for another 30 days at the Thai Immigration Service. To do this, you will need a passport, a copy of it, a 3 * 4 color photograph and about 2,000 baht for a fee.
Step 3
Single Entry Nonimmigrant Visa Apply for a nonimmigrant visa at the Thai Embassy if you need to travel to the country not for tourist purposes, but for work. At passport control at the airport, you will be stamped allowing you to stay in the country for three months. Then you can extend this period for another twelve months. But for this you must have a work permit, which is issued by the Thai company in which you will work. To keep your visa from being canceled, you will need to check in every three months at the Immigration Office.
Step 4
Retirement Visa Apply for a retirement visa at the immigration office in Thailand itself or at any embassy located in Russia. This visa is given for three months and is renewed for one year under certain conditions. You must be over 50 years old. You must have a bank account in Thailand with at least 800,000 baht. You must have no previous convictions or certain diseases that are currently prohibited in the kingdom.