If you intend to travel by air, be sure to take the necessary medication along the way. Despite the fact that there is always a medication-rich first aid kit on board the aircraft, it may not contain the medication that a passenger with a chronic illness needs.

It is necessary
- - doctor's opinion
- - prescription medication
- - receipt
Step 1
It is allowed to carry any medicines on the planes that are not recognized as psychotropic and narcotic drugs. However, there is no single established procedure for the transportation of medicines.
Step 2
According to the RBC news agency, in most cases, in order to transport one or another medical product on the plane, you will need a written opinion from your doctor, a prescription for the medicine and a receipt, which you must keep after the purchase. In some cases, a translation may be required for a doctor's opinion.
Step 3
A similar set of requirements for carrying medicines in hand luggage is imposed in most airports in European countries. But in order to avoid possible troubles, it is better to find out about the relevant rules at a particular airport in advance. For example, many airlines prohibit expiring medicines, etc.
Step 4
Patients with diabetes mellitus, among other documents, must provide a certificate confirming the diagnosis or a special passport (passport of a diabetic patient). They should indicate the name of the insulin used, the dose and frequency of administration of the drug.
Step 5
Experts warn that taking insulin into the luggage is fraught with trouble: the medicine can deteriorate at high temperatures. The same caveat applies to most other medications.
Step 6
If you suffer from any chronic illness, ask your doctor about the regimen of taking this or that medication in the conditions of crossing several time zones even before departure.
Step 7
In order not to be left without the necessary medicines in the event of a possible loss of luggage, divide them into two parts.