10 Take On The Road Worth Remembering

10 Take On The Road Worth Remembering
10 Take On The Road Worth Remembering

It is believed that road signs should attract good luck on the way, ensure the safety of the trip. That is why, when going on a long journey or taking a car trip, you should pay attention to superstitions and ancient warnings that promise protection from harm.

Black cat crosses the road
Black cat crosses the road

As in the old days, travel is now often fraught with dangers, fraught with various "pitfalls" in the form of accidents, fines, car breakdowns. To smooth out the troubles and make the trip easy and safe, you need to perform simple rituals in advance, observe simple signs. When going on a long journey, you need to pay attention to some rituals, consisting of ancient warnings that have survived to this day.

Signs before a long journey

Among the many well-known road signs and traditions, the most popular are those performed before setting off on a long journey. But they also work on a short trip, so you should not ignore superstitions in any case.

  1. The most important sign is "to sit on the path", that is, to sit down for a minute on a sofa, chair, stool, be silent, think about good things. Then get up, say the phrase "With God!", Leave the house.
  2. Before leaving the apartment, hold onto the edge, the corner of the table, as if maintaining an invisible connection with the house. In the old days, the tabletop was also kissed, but now the ceremony has lost such an effect.
  3. When leaving the house, you must not step over the threshold with your left foot, otherwise the evil forces will feel their power over the traveler.
  4. It is forbidden, after slamming the door and turning the key, to return to the hallway again, forgetting something in the rooms. If this happens, you must definitely look before going into the mirror, smile at yourself goodbye and show your tongue, scaring away harmful evil spirits.
  5. On the day of departure of any family member, none of the household members should sweep the litter until the next morning, take out the garbage from the apartment. You can "cover the road" by making it dangerous.
  6. After locking the door, you cannot drop a bunch of keys - this promises misfortune on the way.
  7. On the day of departure, especially before the road itself, you cannot sew, darn, cut and sew anything - luck will leave.
  8. Walking to a car or a bus stop, you need to bypass all the sticks, slats, heaps of garbage, in no case stepping over them, otherwise there will be many obstacles on the trip. It is also forbidden to raise coins, this promises monetary losses.
  9. If an acquaintance meets on the way and asks where you are going, you must answer with a capacious phrase: "To the kudykin mountain." This will avoid the evil eye.
  10. To quickly return from the trip, it is imperative to turn around after leaving, once again look at the people accompanying you.
Sign - sit on the track
Sign - sit on the track

Rites on the way

There are many caveats, signs and traditions associated with the trip. Some rarely come true, and this is very good, since sometimes signs of fate promise trouble, danger. Others often come true, warning of possible dangers and forcing the motorist, passenger, traveler to be more attentive.

  1. Seeing a worm crawling along the road is a good sign that promises good luck in an important matter.
  2. If the first person seen after the start of the movement was an elderly woman (in a simple way - an old woman) or a priest, father - there will be trouble. You can neutralize the omen by folding a cookie in your pocket (fig).
  3. Seeing a button or a nail on the asphalt under the wheels or in front of you - to possible trouble. But a coin shiny on the road promises happiness.
  4. To see through the window, driving through an uncrowded area, a person with packages, a large bag, parcels - to a fruitful path and good luck.
  5. It started raining during the trip - a good omen that promises a happy day.
  6. A wheel went down or creaked, knocked in the hub - to financial costs and troubles.
  7. To meet a funeral procession on the way - to good luck, a wedding procession - to problems and bad luck.
  8. Seeing a pregnant woman while traveling is good news.
  9. A black cat or a hare crossed the road - a bad omen. To neutralize it, you can turn the cap or baseball cap on your head with a visor back.
  10. When traveling by plane, you need to put a coin between the seats - this will attract material benefits.

Believe it or not the road signs is everyone's business. Simple actions will not bring harm to anyone, and they guarantee peace of mind, so you can carry out a couple of ceremonies before a long journey.
