How To Protect Yourself From Snakes

How To Protect Yourself From Snakes
How To Protect Yourself From Snakes

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Almost all snakes do not attack humans for no reason. In order not to provoke individual representatives of the reptile class, it is necessary to observe basic safety rules, and also, if something happens, to be able to provide first aid.

How to protect yourself from snakes
How to protect yourself from snakes


  • - stick;
  • - brilliant green;
  • - iodine;
  • - alcohol;
  • - water.


Step 1

When heading into the woods, wear sneakers, not open sandals. Equip yourself with a stick to push the grass and branches in the forest with it, freeing your way.

Step 2

Shorts and sleeveless T-shirts are best left at home; it is much more sensible to wear a tracksuit with narrow cuffs. In general, clothes should not fit snugly to the body: then, in the event of an attack, the snake will bite only the fabric, not the skin. Be sure to tie a scarf on your head or put on another headdress.

Step 3

If you are going to spend the night in the woods, choose a camp site away from old rotten stumps, fallen trees and piles of debris, as this is where snakes can be. To keep them out of your tent, be sure to close all entrances and openings at night.

Step 4

Seeing a snake, do not make sudden movements, even better - freeze for a while, until the reptile crawls away. If you notice a snake near the tent and at the same time you yourself are at a distance of at least 7-10 meters, knock on the ground with a stick, but in no case hit it with a “random guest”. The noise will frighten her off, and she will most likely hurry to retreat.

Step 5

What if the snake still bit? Try to show composure and give yourself first aid: if there are no sores in your mouth, try to suck the poison, spitting after each attempt. Then carefully treat the wound with alcohol, brilliant green or iodine. Be sure to drink as much liquid as possible. To slow the spread of the poison, you need to restrict your mobility, so if there are people around you, send them to get qualified medical help.
