Delicious Finland: Must-haves For Tourists

Delicious Finland: Must-haves For Tourists
Delicious Finland: Must-haves For Tourists

Finnish national cuisine is rich and diverse, and it is based on simple and high-quality products of local growth and production: milk and dairy products, mushrooms and berries, fish and caviar, beef and venison. Finns are careful about the ecology of their country, and, accordingly, carefully monitor the quality of products. Food culture is an integral part of the culture of a nation. If you are going to visit Finland, be sure to try the national Finnish dishes - they reflect the sedate and solid character of the inhabitants of the country of Suomi.

Delicious Finland: must-haves for tourists
Delicious Finland: must-haves for tourists


This caviar appetizer is served everywhere in Finland. Finns use caviar in a completely different way than we are used to - on sandwiches or in tartlets. For the appetizer Myati, caviar is mixed with finely chopped onions and sour cream - something like a salad or a sandwich spread is obtained. Thus, they cook not only red caviar (chum salmon, trout, etc.), but also whitefish, burbot, pike, vendace. In some restaurants, dry rye cakes are served with Myati.

Kalakukko (Kalakukko)

A traditional Finnish dish can be literally translated as "Fish Rooster". This is an incredibly tasty and satisfying rye dough pie stuffed with fish, lard, onion and cream. The peculiarity of the "Fish Rooster" is that it bakes for a long time (3 hours) at a low temperature; at the same time, all products are well baked and reveal their taste as much as possible. The aroma of this cake is unforgettable!


Rich and thick ear made from the freshest salmon with cream. This is a classic! In Russia, "Ukha in Finnish" is quite often found in the menu of cafes and restaurants of different levels, but after trying fish soup in Finland, you will immediately understand what the difference is!


Homemade liver casserole is juicy and satisfying. It is prepared from beef and chicken liver, pearl barley or rice, onions, cream, spices and raisins. Minced meat for casseroles turns out to be liquid, but during the baking process it gradually thickens and acquires a dense consistency. Served Maxalaaticko with lingonberry sauce

Poronpaisti and Poronkäristys

These are traditional venison dishes (poronliha in Finnish). Young deer meat is very tender and aromatic. It is fried (Poronpaisti) or stewed in a pot for a very long time (Poronkyaristius). The most common side dish for venison meat is mashed potatoes, and grated lingonberries or cranberries are most often served as a sauce.


For dessert, you can try Leipäuusto, a Lapland cheese made from cow's milk. It has a delicate soft texture and a sweetish taste. It is served warm and must be watered with cloudberry jam (also a Finnish attraction).

And these are just some of the Finnish goodies. Enjoy your culinary journey!
