How To Save Money While On Holiday In Turkey

How To Save Money While On Holiday In Turkey
How To Save Money While On Holiday In Turkey

Saving on vacation in Turkey starts with buying a profitable tour, and ends with many ways not to spend extra money on the trip itself.

Antalya coast of Turkey
Antalya coast of Turkey

Holidays in Turkey are very popular among Russians. The warm sea, good food and friendly service make travel to this country a must-have for children and their annual vacations. Tours to Turkey can be chosen in different price ranges, as well as catch "hot tours", but besides this, you can still save additional money during your vacation.

We take dollars with us. This is the main currency of tourists in this country, it is not very profitable to go to Turkey with rubles in hand. Even if rubles are accepted for payment in local cafes and shops, they will do it at a completely unfavorable rate. You can take the euro, but as a rule, the prices in euros and dollars are almost the same, and the rate of these currencies in Russia is completely different.

We connect profitable roaming. If you plan to call family and friends often enough on vacation, or you need communication on business issues, then take care of the appropriate tariff or option in advance. Free Wi-Fi often helps out, using which you can communicate for free through various instant messengers. Therefore, in advance, check the availability and cost of the Internet at the hotel.

Necessarily need to bargain! In any shop or store, with the exception of supermarkets, you will not be told the final price of the product. Next, a favorite oriental tradition begins - bargaining in the process of polite communication. Sometimes it is even possible to reduce the cost of things by one and a half to two times. And do not refuse a cup of tea if the owner of the shop offers it. Leisurely drinking tea encourages good bargaining.

Evening is a time of good shopping. Sellers of souvenirs and fruits become even more accommodating in the evening. Before the market closes, you can profitably buy more fresh vegetables and fruits, and the merchant from the souvenir shop, tired for the day, will be happy to give you the goods even cheaper, if only his trading day is over.

If you smoke, take your cigarettes with you. The prices for tobacco products in Turkey are almost European, so it is better to bring your favorite cigarettes with you. Well, or quit smoking, at least during the rest.

Think carefully about your luggage. Read in the hotel reviews whether you need to take rubber slippers for swimming, a mask or fins, be sure to take swimwear and panamas or caps. Buying such necessary things, but forgotten at home, can additionally hit the family budget.

The supply of water does not stretch your pocket. Bring a bottle of water with you from the hotel's free minibar when heading for an excursion or city walk. This will save you a little more.

Our people don't take a taxi to the bakery! As it was said in the famous film, not everyone can spend extra money on a taxi. Yes, this is not necessary. When traveling to the city, you can use the services of local "minibuses", which are called "dolmushi". Traveling in them for a small company will be cheaper, and it is better to check with the guide in advance all the details of such a trip.