Northern Sweden was the first country in which a population census took place back in 1749. This Scandinavian country is quite expensive for recreation, but it invariably attracts tourists. What are some interesting facts about this northern place?

Swedes are not very fond of homemade food and rarely cook something on their own. In this country, it is customary to go for lunch or dinner, for example, to a pizzeria. An interesting fact: the local population generally adores various fast food, therefore there are a lot of similar fast food restaurants in Sweden.
After leaving school, young people try to move out of their parents and live a free adult life. In Sweden, it is not encouraged to enroll in universities immediately after completing basic education. Usually students become here at the age of 25. Up to this point, young people prefer to work.
Sweden is a country with a very leisurely, measured life. They do not like haste and fuss. It is customary to solve / carry out even some important matters and concerns with full awareness and without panic.
Sweden, like other Scandinavian countries, is considered the territory of centenarians. At the same time, people here are very actively involved in various sports, which allows them to maintain their shape for a long time and look young. In addition, the Swedes rarely experience any severe stress due to their measured and calm life. It also has a positive effect on well-being.
Another interesting fact about Sweden: as such, there is no completely free medicine in the country. However, up to the age of 20, local residents can receive dental services completely free of charge.
There are conditionally two languages in Sweden. Simplified Swedish is spoken by most of the population. But the "difficult" language is used very rarely, especially not welcomed during informal communication.
The country is very jealous of ecology, nature and animals. According to the plan, Sweden in the near future should become the country that will give up gasoline, switching to exclusively natural fuel. Moreover, despite the fact that the Swedes just love fishing, they are not engaged in this business for the purpose of catching. As a rule, having caught a fish, the Swede is photographed with it as a souvenir, and then released back into the reservoir.
An interesting fact about Sweden: the most popular sports among the local population are hockey and football.
It is not customary in Sweden to drink alcohol on weekdays. But from Friday to Sunday on the streets of cities you can meet a lot of drunk people. Although in this country there is a very low percentage of people who really suffer from alcoholism, it is impossible to buy something intoxicating for people who have not reached the age of 20.