Many couples, with the advent of a child, think it is time to put an end to travel. But this is absolutely not the case. A few months after the arrival of a new family member, you can start thinking about a trip. But it is important for parents to understand that a carefree vacation should not be expected. The kid will bring his own nuances to any trip. But if you know in advance about possible problems, then you can be fully prepared to solve them.

Rest cost
If the child is not yet 2 years old, then the parents do not face the problem of an increase in the price of the voucher. After all, for the smallest flights and hotel accommodation are completely free. After reaching 2 years of age, depending on the flight, it is necessary to pay for a seat on the plane in full or in part.
The hotels have their own pricing. Some offer free accommodation for children under 12. Other hotels divide children into 2 segments - up to 7 years old free of charge, up to 14 years old at a special child rate.
There are hotels that do not accommodate children. They may have nice prices, but children cannot be accommodated.
In addition, parents will not be able to save on connecting flights. After all, with a small child, you want to get to your destination as quickly as possible.
That is why, when traveling with children, it is imperative to prepare for the increase in value right away. It is possible to solve this problem by purchasing a tour in advance. Or buy hot tours.
Large amount of luggage
Parents cannot fly with a small child in their arms. In addition to clothes, you will have to take a stroller, your child's favorite toys, food, a first aid kit and diapers. Clothes should be for all occasions. After all, it is very easy for a child to both get cold and overheat.
The solution to the problem can be the purchase of personal hygiene products and food at the place of stay. But this can turn into another quest for young parents.
Even at the check-in desk, you can warn the airline staff that the stroller will accompany the child to board. Then you can take your child on it all the way to the plane. And upon arrival, get a stroller at the gangway.
According to statistics, small children on board an aircraft bring maximum discomfort to all passengers. It is the vagaries on the plane that parents are most afraid of. But in order to warn them, it is enough to take the following things with you:
- Water in a bottle. It should be given to the baby to drink during takeoff and landing, when, as a result of pressure changes, the child may experience pain in the ear canals. Through throats, the Eustachian tube helps to cope with the drop and minimize discomfort. If the mother is still breastfeeding, then do not hesitate to offer her to the child.
- If the child does not want to drink, then it is worth offering him baby puree in a special package. Do not be afraid that parents will not be allowed on board with liquids and food. This restriction does not apply to babies.
- Don't forget to take food. After all, if a child gets hungry, then only favorite food can calm him down.
- You can take your favorite long-lasting snacks. For example, drying, fruit or dried fruit. They keep the child busy during the flight.
- Buy a couple of new toys in advance for your child. It is important that they do not make loud noises.
- The last resort to calm your child on the plane is to give him a tablet or phone. Most parents try to limit their child from gadgets as much as possible. But in an emergency, a phone or a cartoon can keep your baby busy.
As a result of a sharp climate change, the child may become acclimatized. Don't underestimate this problem. After all, the baby may react too sharply. That is why it is best to plan your first trips as parents in the summer. Then the temperature difference will not be so strong. Immediately after arrival, do not spend whole days in the sun. The baby's skin is very delicate. And a fairly common problem is sunburn. Purchase and bring along a sun shade for children with the maximum degree of protection. Don't forget about the headdress. And at the peak of the heat it is better to stay in the room.
Changing the time zone
This problem is most pressing for the youngest children. A downed regime leads to a nervous and capricious state. To solve this problem, it is worth preparing the child in advance to change the time zone.
How to feed your baby
When visiting a new country, you should not immediately give your child all kinds of fruits in the hope that the child will be saturated with vitamins. This can be fraught with the appearance of an allergic reaction. And it's good if parents have an antihistamine in the medicine cabinet. It is also worth giving your baby only bottled water. If the parents are feeding the child with infant formula, then it is better to take it on a trip with you. You can also take baby purees and cereals for rest. If the child is on a common table, then a safe way to feed him is to give the usual food, gradually introducing new foods there and observing the child's reaction.
What to do if a child is sick
If the child falls ill on the eve of the rest, then this can disrupt all preparation for the rest. That is why it is extremely important to protect the child before the flight. It is best to avoid crowded places where it is possible to contract ARVI and other diseases. If the disease occurs at the resort, then a well-assembled first-aid kit will help to cure the baby in a short time. In addition to the antihistamine, the first aid kit should contain:
- Antipyretic and pain reliever;
- Drugs for nasal congestion;
- Products for the treatment of wounds and injuries;
- Consumables (cotton wool, cotton pads, sticks);
- Drugs that normalize the digestive tract and prevent diarrhea;
- Remedies for motion sickness;
- Medicines that help relieve teething pain;
- Aspirator and thermometer.
Tiring rest
Many parents do not know how to travel with their children. For them, this rest becomes too difficult and tiring. In addition, emotional stress may arise due to the inability to relax with a loved one in a nightclub or in a restaurant with a glass of wine. Even elementary excursions will become quite problematic when a child is around.
The solution to this problem consists of several stages:
- Do not plan on visiting many excursions. Better to stop at 1-2 and take turns with your spouse.
- It is important to adjust your regimen to that of your baby, but not vice versa.
- If you want to be alone with your spouse, you can turn to the services of a nanny. They are available in almost all hotels.
- If parents cannot entrust their child to a stranger, then you should pay attention to the opportunity to take a grandmother to the resort. She will sit with her beloved grandchildren, and play, and let her parents enjoy the rest.
As a result, we can conclude that rest with children is possible and in some cases even needed by parents. A change of scenery will help get rid of postpartum depression and the monotony of maternity leave. Any travel problem has a solution. The main thing is to prepare in advance and react to it in time.