Vladivostok is a big beautiful city. Eastern gate of the country. It combines Russian and Eastern culture. There are undoubtedly many things to bring with you as a souvenir.

The most commonplace, but not the most stupid thing is to bring souvenirs. Magnets, mugs, badges with views of the city, its coat of arms, the Ussuri tiger. All of these things are sold in bookstores and gift shops. In the tourist area, in the city center, you will find many street stalls that also sell such products.
Since the city is on the coast, it is teeming with sellers of marine souvenirs. They sell all kinds of shells, corals, marine-themed jewelry.
You can't get away from buying seafood. They may not be cheaper than in your city, but they are the freshest. It is not a fact that in the store near your home you will find such an abundance of scallops, octopuses, squid and all kinds of fish.
In the Primorsky Territory there is a wonderful plant of alcoholic beverages "Ussuriysky Balsam". He produces all kinds of liqueurs, sweet and bitter, with cognac and honey. There are exotic "Antlers on honey" with pantocrine and "Golden Bohai" with ginseng, "Golden Horn" with eleutherococcus and lemongrass, "Golden Pheasant" with local herbs. They will be a good addition to the festive table and will amaze you with their pleasant taste.
Vladivostok has a huge number of stores of Japanese products. Megumi is a Japanese cosmetics chain store. Here it is much cheaper than in other regions of the country.
Once in any Chinese market, don't walk past grocery stores. Chinese sweets, of course, do not compare in taste with domestic ones, but they will amuse you very much. Chocolate, as a rule, is soy, and it is better not to think about the composition of the filling, but they taste very interesting. For example, there is a candy that is flavored with boiled corn. It is worth buying sauces and condiments. They are in good harmony with Russian dishes, not all are spicy, and many have a very unusual taste.
Wander through the clothing markets. Surely you will find something very interesting that is not in your hometown.
Of course, you should bring good photos and impressions with you. Take a walk around the city. It is not just considered the sister city of San Francisco.