Where To Go Abroad For The May Holidays

Where To Go Abroad For The May Holidays
Where To Go Abroad For The May Holidays

Video: Where To Go Abroad For The May Holidays

Video: Where To Go Abroad For The May Holidays

When planning a trip abroad during the May holidays, it is important to consider a number of essential points. Firstly, the climatic conditions at this time of the year, secondly, the visa application or the possibility of visa-free entry and, thirdly, the duration of the flight, because after the short May holidays, workdays will follow.

Where to go abroad for the May holidays
Where to go abroad for the May holidays

The weather in the countries of South-East Asia in May is the most unpredictable. At this time, the rainy season begins in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and on the island of Hainan. And if the beginning of May can be comfortable in terms of temperature and humidity, then suddenly everything can change and ruin the rest. Therefore, it is better to refrain from traveling to these countries, unless you are writing a scientific work on the topic "The influence of tropical showers on the state of mind of the average European." The water temperature off the coast of Spain, France, Italy and Croatia is far from ideal and is about +18 degrees, but in especially warm spring it can be higher. Everyone who wants to soak up the sun should bear in mind that during this period there is a great difference between day and night temperatures, so for evening walks it is worth taking appropriate clothes. A trip to continental European cities will bring you a lot of positive emotions, because the weather in May is in France. Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland is warm. Rainfall during this time is rare, so you can enjoy the architecture of the cities and beautiful landscapes. Tour operators offer several options for travel from bus tours across the territory of several countries or separate full-fledged travel within one state or city. The countries of North Africa are most suitable for traveling during the May holidays in terms of climatic conditions. Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and eastern Morocco are not yet as hot as the summer months, the water temperature is good even for young children, and the winter winds are no longer blowing. The only negative point is the political instability in these countries in recent years. Scandinavia is not the best place to visit during the May holidays. At this time, there is still snow in some places, and the temperature corresponds to March-April in the central part of Russia.