May holidays are a great time to travel and relax. Spring has already cleared up in full, and the sun shines almost like summer. I want change and variety, a change of scenery. However, the problem arises, how to organize your vacation and where to go? This issue is especially acute for those who have children.

A popular holiday destination in May is Turkey or Egypt. Tour prices are quite affordable, the beaches are free, and the weather at this time is not hot there. Therefore, these countries are ideal for holidays with. Boat trips, therapeutic mud, fresh air - all this can become a part of your vacation. A trip to "May" Europe can turn out to be unusual and exciting. By this time, it blossoms and transforms. France, Italy, Portugal with numerous fairs and entertainment will make an indelible impression on your family. May is a period of carnivals and festivals in many foreign countries. For example, in Japan, on the occasion of the Children's Day, which falls just in the May period, city streets are transformed, business life freezes. Here you can indulge in Japanese delicacies and enjoy the entertainment offered by friendly Japanese people. In South Korea, your kids will surely enjoy the amazing butterfly festival. Thousands of people gather here to enjoy this fantastic show. The event turns into a mesmerizing performance, when hundreds of bright butterflies are released. In Cyprus, you can visit the flower parade. Dozens of platforms decorated with poppies, daisies and daisies move along the main street, generous residents present flowers to the guests present at the parade. Together with your children, you can take part in the costume procession, decorating your outfit with fresh flowers. The stunning theatrical carnival, which takes place annually in May in the city of Aalborg (Denmark), can be a great reason to relax in this city with children. All its inhabitants become actors, and the streets become a continuous stage. Games by professional dancers, performances by masked musicians - all this can be seen in Denmark during the May period. If you wish, you can join the procession. Surely it will be interesting for children to participate in such an exciting event. And finally, you can just stay in Russia and enjoy the entertainment offered in each city for the May holidays. Visit various water parks, attractions or relax in nature.