How To Behave Abroad In

How To Behave Abroad In
How To Behave Abroad In

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For those who are going on vacation to another country for the first time, it will be useful to know in advance its internal way of life, which will allow avoiding awkward situations in the future. This is especially true for those who are planning their vacation in Asian countries, whose moral principles are significantly different from European ones.

How to behave abroad
How to behave abroad

It is necessary

Memo about the rules of conduct in the country where the voucher was purchased


Step 1

Before going on vacation, ask a travel company or find out on your own about the customs of the country you are going to visit. Each state has its own rules and their ignorance can lead to sad consequences: for example, in Singapore, you will have to pay a huge fine for chewing gum or any other garbage thrown on the ground, and in the UAE you cannot publicly demonstrate your feelings.

Step 2

You need to think about how to behave abroad long before boarding the plane. This topic is especially relevant even when collecting wardrobe. So, in countries preaching Islam, too open and defiant clothes are not encouraged. And if shorts, tight trousers and short skirts are acceptable on the territory of hotels, then it is better not to go on excursions in this form. The population of Egypt is more loyal to the behavior of tourists, and the most strict customs of the inhabitants of India, here they may even require wearing a headdress.

Step 3

The rules for tourists also cover the behavior when visiting temples. What for Europeans is only an architectural monument, for the local population it is an object of worship. Therefore, do not try to climb the Buddha statue to get more spectacular photographs or pose too relaxed in front of the mosque.

Step 4

Listen carefully to the recommendations of the guide, which most readily say what should not be done categorically. Take good care of the representatives of the local flora and fauna, do not try to tear off a piece of nature and take it with you as a souvenir: for example, in Egypt, there is a large fine for trying to take out wild coral.
