To travel abroad will bring only positive emotions, observe the universal rules of conduct and respect the traditions and customs of the people of the country where you arrived.

Step 1
Find out what religion the majority of the population of the country you are visiting is professing. Read about the rules of conduct for religious buildings if you are visiting local attractions. Make a short list of what the local religion condemns (drinking alcohol, revealing clothes) and stick to these rules at least in public places.
Step 2
Think carefully about your wardrobe, this point is especially true for women. In Muslim countries, you should not expose your shoulders, neckline and legs. It's not even so much about preventing a possible conflict situation, but about showing respect for the traditions and culture of the country where you are going to travel.
Step 3
Find out what the local laws on smoking and drinking are. Pay attention to the prohibition signs. If you have any doubts, it is better to ask the staff of the establishment or law enforcement.
Step 4
Be courteous and polite. Write a few phrases in the language of the country you intend to visit, for example, "thank you," "hello," "please." This will be welcomed by the local population and hotel staff.
Step 5
Observe etiquette. Open the doors to the people walking in front, give way in public transport. Behave as is customary in a civilized society.
Step 6
Pay special attention to the rules of conduct regarding the opposite sex, keep in mind that they differ from country to country. For example, you will not be convicted for a welcome kiss on the cheek in Italy, but in the United States you can get a subpoena. As far as Muslim countries are concerned, you should be especially careful about women, a look or a gesture can lead to serious trouble.
Step 7
Purchase a city map, mark the location of the hotel on it. Also take a business card with the address of the hotel, it can be shown to a passer-by or a taxi driver. Find out which neighborhoods of the city are unfavorable for tourists and try not to get there.
Step 8
Carry a charged phone and health insurance with you.