Paradise beach, mountain hikes or maybe a house in the woods? Holidays can be spent in different ways. Actively or calmly. With family, friends, with your partner or on your own. How we do it will determine how we feel throughout the rest of the year. When choosing a place to stay, it is worth considering our zodiac sign. He talks a lot about preferences and personality.

Aries love when something happens and when they are not disturbed by crowds of people. They also love exotic and high temperatures. Rest in warm countries is exactly what they need. We suggest Israel or Egypt. And instead of visiting sights, visiting local bazaars. Aries love shopping. They should bring some kind of souvenir from each trip.
For Taurus, vacation is a time of relaxation. People born under this sign will gladly be lounging on the beach sipping cocktails. During the holidays, Taurus just wants to rest, get a good night's sleep and do nothing. An all inclusive hotel or a few days in a lodge in Hawaii is a good idea. We also recommend Cyprus, Crete or Rhodes. The main thing is to take a break from everything.
Gemini are very energetic and curious people. They enjoy exploring and studying other cultures. Everywhere they know how to have fun, but the perfect vacation for them is a great adventure. The twins must go to the jungle or spend a few days in an African village. They will go on vacation with pleasure in order to meet new people.
Cancers are very emotional and familial. If a trip, then only with loved ones. A house in the village will be an excellent option for Cancers. People born under this sign appreciate art very much. Their vacation plans include visits to museums and monuments. They don't like surprises at all. A Cancer vacation must be carefully planned.
a lion
Leos love luxury. Dreams for people born under this sign is an exclusive hotel. Leo does not cook, clean or even plan excursions while on vacation. Pays and demands. It is important to maintain a balance between exciting experiences and relaxation.
Virgos can perfectly relax during excursions. People born under this sign will relax well even in rural areas. Virgos are calm and orderly. They do not like surprises. Their vacations should be planned. They value calmness.
People born under this sign will happily spend their vacations actively. They do not like downtime and loss of time. The ideal Libra vacation is a combination of sport and travel. Maybe a bike tour of historical sites or jogging among the monuments. For Libra, a trip to the mountains would be a better idea than an exclusive hotel by the sea.
Scorpios do best in close proximity to water. Ocean, sea, lake or bay, this is the perfect place to relax. They value calmness. People born under this sign love familiar places. Often, over the years, they spend their holidays in the same place.
Sagittarius is a born traveler and adventurer. Great idea for a holiday for a Sagittarius tour around the world. Or a bicycle rally across the country. Happy to go on a cruise, go to the jungle or overcome the desert on camels.
Capricorns tend to be creepy workaholics. Often they don't go on vacation at all. Work and commitment are a priority for them. However, if they have already decided to leave, then they want to get as much impressions and emotions as possible in a short period. After two weeks of vacation, Capricorn begins to yearn for work and no longer enjoys rest.
Aquarians are creative people. People born under this sign are very often lonely. They do not like to give in and are very protective of their freedom and independence. Other people often see them as obstacles in their path. Therefore, the best vacation for an Aquarius is an independent trip. Aquarius is not going to adapt to others. People born under this sign appreciate originality.
Fish do well in close proximity to water. They love to travel and enjoy exploring the most remote corners.