For lovers of extreme recreation, there are many places on Earth where you can spend time risking your life. In Yosemite National Park (California, USA), there is a monolithic Half Dome rock. Climbing it can end in death. Nevertheless, thrill-seekers storm this rock every year.

Half Dome for a long time remained an unattainable peak. Its first conqueror was George Anderson, who made a successful ascent in 1875.
Since then, it is known about the death of more than 60 people who tried to conquer this dangerous peak. Climbing the rock lasts all day long. The last 120 meters, tourists climb the Half Dome in an almost vertical position, using special cables made of metal. More than 50,000 people climb Half Dome every year.
To climb to the top, you must obtain a special permit from the National Recreation Reservation Service, and this must be done in advance. For an unauthorized ascent, a fine of $ 5,000 is provided, sometimes for this offense you can even go to jail for six months, so it's better not to risk it.
The ascent takes place under the supervision of the park workers. Climbers are strongly advised not to climb in the rain. The stones become very slippery and there is a real threat to life.
However, accidents here also occur in clear weather. In 2012, the man did not have time to grab the rope thrown to him by a person walking higher and fell down.
In 2011, there were three deaths. Tourists disregarded safety regulations and fell into Vernal Falls.
However, these cases do not stop fans of extreme recreation. The flow of tourists to Yosemite Park is increasing from year to year.