How To Get To Murom

How To Get To Murom
How To Get To Murom

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Murom is an ancient city located in the Vladimir region, the center of the Murom region. It is a major railway junction of the Gorkovskaya railway (Moscow - Kazan line). Trains from Moscow, Kazan, Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk run here regularly.

How to get to Murom
How to get to Murom


Step 1

Moscow and Murom are separated by about 300 kilometers. If you want to get to Murom by train. The road will take you 4-5 hours. Boarding coupons sell out very quickly, so if you want to save money on low-cost tickets, you need to order them one to two weeks before your trip. The same applies to tickets for night trains (# 098X and # 142G). The cost of tickets for seats is approximately 300-500 rubles, reserved seats - 800-1200 rubles, coupes - 1100-2000 rubles. Finally, a double suite - 2500-3000 rubles. Trains leave from the Kazansky railway station.

Step 2

You can quickly get to Murom by train. But this is not the most convenient option, since you will have to make at least one change - at Vekovka station. Some trains can be reached with only two changes (Vekovka and Cherusti). The journey will take a total of six hours.

Step 3

A fairly popular option is to travel by bus. Regular buses to Murom leave daily from the bus station near the Shchelkovskaya metro station. Travel time is slightly longer than by train - 6 hours and 20 minutes. Direct bus service is also established between Murom and Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Ivanov. Residents of small nearby towns (Gus-Khrustalny, Kovrov, Vyksa, the village of Vacha) can also easily get to Murom by bus.

Step 4

It would be quite reasonable for Muscovites to get to Murom with a transfer in Vladimir. Buses to Vladimir leave from the Kursk railway station every day at intervals of half an hour. In turn, there are many route taxis and buses from Vladimir to Murom.

Step 5

The easiest way for motorists to get to Murom is by private transport. The journey takes only 4 hours. You need to move along the M7 highway (Gorkovskoe highway) towards Vladimir. At the entrance to Vladimir you will see a large sign for Murom to the right of the road.
