The plane is not only the safest way to travel, but also the fastest. If a person needs to get from Moscow to Vladivostok, he will spend 8 to 10 hours on the flight, and the train would have to travel a whole week. But it is not so easy to withstand a few hours of flight. And if you add the instinctive fear of this way of getting around, the trip can turn into a real hassle.

Step 1
Think in advance about what you can do in flight, so as not to languish with boredom and not fill your head with burdensome thoughts. The best option is to take on board a couple of interesting books. Grab a collection of crosswords, puzzles - while solving them, time will fly by. If you're into drawing, bring a large notebook or sketchbook, pencils and markers. Women who love to embroider or knit should be aware that needles, scissors and even knitting needles may be confiscated upon entering the airport security area.
Step 2
If the flight falls at night, try to simply fall asleep. Of course, an airplane seat is far from the most comfortable type of berth, but you can take a nap in it too. If you are afraid of flying, take a sedative or drink some alcohol shortly before boarding. But just a little. Alas, it is not uncommon for a passenger who tried to muster up courage in this way, and then ended up in the police for a riot committed on board the plane.
Step 3
When you can't fall asleep, you can listen to music (naturally, through headphones, so as not to disturb others) or watch a movie on your laptop.
Step 4
If you are flying with a small child, remember that it will be very difficult for him to sit quietly in one place. Therefore, so that he does not suffer himself, and at the same time does not torment either you or those around you, think in advance how he can be entertained in flight. Take his favorite toys, coloring books, etc. with you. From time to time, allow your child to walk along the aisle, stretch their legs. Just demand that he does not run, because this interferes with both passengers and flight attendants.
Step 5
To keep your feet from getting numb, remove or unlace your shoes, rotate your feet at the ankle joints, pull the socks towards you and away from you. Get up sometimes, take a few steps back and forth along the aisle. If you experience motion sickness, take a Dramina tablet or equivalent before takeoff.
Step 6
Try talking to your neighbors in the row. Maybe you have common interests. Some time will pass in the conversation. And there is lunch, which you should be fed. In short, a long flight will probably not seem so tiresome.