Ivan The Great Bell Tower: Description, History, Excursions, Exact Address

Ivan The Great Bell Tower: Description, History, Excursions, Exact Address
Ivan The Great Bell Tower: Description, History, Excursions, Exact Address

The Ivan the Great Bell Tower is located in the very center of the Kremlin. The gold-domed pillar with two belfries is a unique ensemble made in the same style, although these objects were built by different craftsmen.

Ivan the Great Bell Tower: description, history, excursions, exact address
Ivan the Great Bell Tower: description, history, excursions, exact address

Church-bell tower of St. John Climacus is the second name of the bell tower of Ivan the Great. This landmark is the center of the Moscow Kremlin, named after the hegumen of the Sinai Monastery, Byzantine philosopher and Christian theologian John Climacus..


The history of the bell tower began in 1329, when the church "Under the Bell" was built on this site. And in 1505 the Italian architect Fryazin began the construction of a new church. In 1508, the temple was built, and in 1600 it was supplemented with another tier.

The bell tower appeared in 1532; it housed a bell weighing more than 1.5 tons. He was named "Evangelist". In the 30s of the 17th century, Patriarch Filaret ordered to attach a building with white stone pyramids and a tiled roof to the bell tower. This is how the Filaretovskaya extension appeared.

During the war of 1812, this territory was captured by Napoleon's troops. They destroyed the Filaretovskaya annex and the Assumption Belfry, the bell tower survived, but the domed cross was stolen. The ensemble was restored only by 1819.

Description of the bell tower of Ivan the Great

The ensemble of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower consists of three objects: the Assumption Belfry, the Bell Tower Column and the Filaretovskaya Annex. On the territory there is a functioning temple, a museum of the history of the architectural ensemble of the Kremlin and an exhibition hall.

This bell tower belongs to all the cathedrals of the Kremlin, because they do not have their own belfries. It is from the bell tower of Ivan the Great that the ringing begins throughout Moscow. In the Assumption Belfry there is the Assumption Bell, its weight is more than 65 tons. It was cast in 1817 and replaced the broken one that fell in an explosion during the war. The bell "Reut", cast in 1622 by the master Andrey Chokhov, hangs next to Uspensky. Its second name - "Howler", he received it for a very low ringing.

The famous Seven-Hundred Bell hangs on the Filaretovsky annex, it is also called Everyday. Its weight is over 13 tons. In the lower tier of the bell tower there are 6 more bells, on the average - 9, in the upper - 3.

Excursions and exact address

Since 1918, the bell tower was closed for visits, only since 1992 did Muscovites hear the bell ringing again and got the opportunity to see the Kremlin and the Moscow River from such a height. To go upstairs, you first need to buy a ticket, which also entitles you to visit Cathedral Square, the Church of the Deposition of the Robe, Archangel, Assumption and Annunciation Cathedrals.

When going on an excursion, it is important to remember the work schedule of the bell tower: all days, except Thursday, are working days. But the entrance is possible only by sessions. Opening hours and collection: 10.15, 11.30, 13.45, 15.00 and 16.00. First, there is a guided tour with an audio guide, then you can enjoy the views from the bell tower to the Kremlin.

You can also buy a ticket to visit exhibitions, most often they are located in the Assumption Belfry. For example, at different times one could see Fabirge Easter eggs, Cartier jewelry, Indian jewelry, regalia of the English Crown, etc.

The exact address of the attraction: Russia, Moscow, Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin.
