Baths Of Caracalla - A Favorite Resting Place Of The Ancient Romans

Baths Of Caracalla - A Favorite Resting Place Of The Ancient Romans
Baths Of Caracalla - A Favorite Resting Place Of The Ancient Romans

The ancient Romans, whether they were rich or not, liked to spend time in the baths. Baths could be private or public. With a low payment, and sometimes even without it, any resident of the city could take advantage of the benefits of civilization.

Baths of Caracalla
Baths of Caracalla

The number of terms numbered in the thousands, and the size of some was amazing. These establishments were most popular on hot summer days.

The most famous are the baths of the emperor Caracalla. Their construction dates back to 212-217. The main building was 200 meters long, and its width was no less impressive - 100 meters. Numerous statues, marble floors and elaborate mosaics served as decoration. It is believed that the baths operated until the 6th century. The supply and heating of water for that time was a system equipped with the latest technology.

Baths were equipped with showers, baths, pools, the water in which could be of different temperatures - warm, hot or cold. Steam baths were also popular. After the water treatments, you could enjoy a massage or aromatherapy. The thermal baths provided rest rooms and exercise rooms. The rest did not go without readings of poets or speeches of orators. In order for the Romans to feel comfortable, they were served by numerous slaves.

By the way, there was no need to fear for the safety of things and jewelry in the baths, special slaves - capsaries - were responsible for them.
