The rules for the carriage of passengers on board airliners are quite strict. They often cause a lot of inconvenience. For example, the ban on carrying liquids in hand luggage becomes a real problem for those who want to take any liquid substance on board.

The contents of carry-on baggage are clearly stipulated in several documents at once, signed by almost all world air carriers. Passengers are not allowed to carry sharp, prickly and cutting objects, toxic and poisonous substances, weapons, drugs and some other things. They also include the ban on the transport of any liquids in a package of more than one hundred milliliters.
The last limitation caused a lot of controversy and conflicts, passengers are forced to get rid of water bottles, perfumes, sprays and even creams right at the airport, which are packed in bottles containing more than one hundred milliliters of the substance. This ban was first introduced in the EU zone in 2006. The reason was the capture by the British police of terrorists intending to blow up planes with passengers using liquid bombs. Indeed, liquid substances produce a reaction that leads to an explosion much faster. To prevent the possibility of terrorist attacks, a restriction was introduced on the carriage of liquids in the cabin of the aircraft. The international community joined the ban, including the Russian Federation, which signed the relevant documents in 2007.
Many negotiations are underway to lift this ban. Airports and passengers are equally unhappy with it. However, the restriction has been extended until 2013 inclusive. Its partial cancellation has been introduced at several airports in Italy, Great Britain and Holland. They are already equipped with special scanners capable of recognizing explosives even in liquid form. It is planned to equip all airports of the world with such equipment in the future, having lifted the ban on the transport of liquids in hand luggage.
Some representatives of British airports, nevertheless, are in favor of the ban. They explain their tendency not to cancel it by the fact that the new technology for detecting liquid explosives by scanners is not yet fully understood. It may not be entirely safe, and there is still a risk to the lives of millions of people around the world.
It should be noted that the ban does not apply to products purchased in the duty-free zone at airports. If you have purchased perfumes, alcoholic beverages, creams, sprays or any other liquids, do not rush to open them. Sealed packages in a bag closed by vendors can be carried on board. opened bottles, packages, etc. will be confiscated from you.