What Are The Pros And Cons Of Living Abroad

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Living Abroad
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Living Abroad

In the era of globalization, when a person is open to the world, and the barriers that previously did not allow traveling abroad have fallen, many decide to leave their home in search of happiness in another country. It may be a desire to pursue a career or study, in any case, life abroad is full of both new joyful discoveries and regrets about the decision.

What are the pros and cons of living abroad
What are the pros and cons of living abroad

Living abroad seems like an exciting adventure, but in reality, things may be different. Moving to another country can be both heaven and real hell for you. On the positive side, one can single out the opportunity to learn a foreign language, learn a lot about the culture of the country, and try unusual dishes. But there are also negative aspects: the language barrier, mistakes made due to ignorance of the culture and customs of the country, and the peculiarities of the cuisine can result in stomach problems and even illness. Of course, the circumstances under which the move is made, as well as the preliminary organization of life and living conditions, play an important role. Consider the main issues that you will have to face while staying abroad for a long time.

Foreign language

Communication with the local population is always a difficult issue for people living abroad. If you do not speak the language of this country, then even the simplest household chores can become an insurmountable obstacle that significantly worsens the quality of life. However, the language barrier can also be viewed in a positive way. If you are interested in learning a foreign language, then you have everything for this. Nothing helps in learning foreign languages better than immersion in the environment. Indeed, literally everyone you come in contact with is a language partner for you and even a teacher.

For migrants who have lost themselves abroad and move from place to place in search of a better life or job, the name was coined - the global nomad. It was introduced by Norma McCaig, founder of Global Normad Int.


Like language, culture also plays an important role in human life. Social etiquette can be very different from what you are used to from childhood. For example, how to correctly show the hostess that you like a dish can cause misunderstanding and even insult if you do not know the customs of this country.


Food can be a source of worldwide delight or immense disappointment, depending on what you enjoy and what you are used to in your home country. For example, in some countries, local cuisine includes a variety of seafood you might not even know existed. If you do not like fish, then this can cause constant hunger. On the other hand, seafood lovers will love this food. Even if you like the cuisine in this country, sometimes you want to feel the taste of your own food. However, it is not always and not always possible to buy familiar products for the preparation of national cuisine.

Cost of living

Quite often, people looking for career opportunities abroad move to large cities or metropolitan areas where the country's financial and commercial life is concentrated. As a rule, living in such cities costs a lot of money. Therefore, after moving to Paris, Sydney or New York, it will very soon turn out that the level of earnings does not make it possible to acquire anything for the soul other than the essentials. On the other hand, living in a small city abroad, many were able to notice that they can afford more than they did in their home country.

Visa issues, permits required to live in the country, as well as conditions of medical care - moving to another country begins with serious paperwork.

Communication with family

Distance is no longer as much of a problem these days as it was in the days of airmail and transoceanic passenger liners. Of course, now that cheap Internet communication is available, it has become easier to communicate with family and friends. A person no longer feels isolated abroad. And if there is a burning desire to visit the family, then tickets are available anytime, anywhere, and even online.
