Nalchik is a resort town in the Caucasus, once popular for sanatoriums, mud and mineral waters. The town invites to its sanatoriums, albeit not so prosperous, even now. And even if you are accustomed to the European level of service, you should not neglect the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria anyway: surrounded by mountains, bright, well-groomed, green-green Nalchik will gently greet, feed, and captivate. Relax and explore. A week is barely enough.

Khichiny, dubious architecture and hunchbacked restaurant
In the city there is a Museum of Local Lore, an art gallery, a dubious architecture, the Cathedral Mosque and the Church of Mary Magdalene (both are modern), a hippodrome, as well as several theaters. The most interesting are the Kabardian State Drama Theater named after Shogentsukov with performances in the Kabardian language and the Russian State Drama Theater. M. Gorky.
Rent a bike and go explore Nalchik! The fact that this is the capital can be seen from the excellent roads, the abundance of well-groomed flower beds and working fountains. Through the city stretches the Atazhukin garden-park - a vast green area with more than a hundred different types of trees and shrubs brought from different parts of the world. There are also children's attractions, memorable memorials, the elegant Elbrus Celebration Palace over the lake, a ruined medieval watchtower and even a small zoo. The park generously offers its treats - one after another - carrying you in the green thick of its riverbed from the center of Nalchik directly to the outskirts of the protected areas of sanatoriums and mud baths. Stock up on delicious hichinas, lacunas and pasties of amazing cheapness and deliciousness and walk from morning until dusk!
In the park, do not miss one of the must-see entertainment - take a ride on a small cable car over the lake to Mount Bolshaya Kizilovka. You will see, whose head with a humped nose flashed high there. A funny restaurant "Sosruko" in the form of a hero with an outstretched hand with a torch: coffee for 45 rubles, live music for 35 rubles and the main bonus is gorgeous views of green valleys with a backdrop decorated with snow tops.
Another way to gain impressions is a walk to Bolshaya Kizilovka along a terrainkur built of concrete. It is popularly referred to as “1000 steps”. This is a path to an altitude of more than 800 m from sea level with a length of about 2600 m. It lies in the dense greenery of trees with benches, gazebos for relaxation - for romantic or sports walks.
Rest in Nalchik is best leisurely and carefree. Take a walk along the mountain stream and go swimming to the lakes. There are four of them, all artificial and quite picturesque. Above one more recently, an old cable car hung like a fantastic garland. Now the cable car was dismantled, but the concrete station in the form of a gipar remained. Why not climb up and make some stylish avatars? And, of course, you cannot visit the lakes, but not drink beer at the Bochka - another fancy restaurant in the form of the same beer barrel.
Around Nalchik
And around Nalchik there are real treasures. Blue Lakes - five lakes, one more beautiful than the other. The most impressive is a natural artesian well of the color of a summer sky, with a temperature of 10 degrees and a depth of almost 300 m, Lower is blue.
The Chegem waterfalls in the gorge of the same name break down from different heights of sheer cliffs and, with a cacophony, rush into the mountain river.
A trip for a day, or even a few - in the Elbrus region. And it is not necessary to take mountain skis with you. By cable cars and funiculars, through different climatic zones, you can climb to the foot of the great mountain, sunbathe in the snow and once again feel how small and insignificant we are in this majestic world.