Pokrovsky Stavropegic Convent: History, Description

Pokrovsky Stavropegic Convent: History, Description
Pokrovsky Stavropegic Convent: History, Description

The Pokrovsky stavropegic convent is one of the main Russian attractions and annually attracts a huge number of pilgrims. Saint Matrona is considered its patroness.

Pokrovsky stavropegic convent: history, description
Pokrovsky stavropegic convent: history, description

History of origin

The Pokrovsky stavropegic convent is located in Moscow at the Pokrovskaya Zastava. It was founded in 1635. It was originally planned to make it a monastery. Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich erected it in honor of his father, a priest. It is known that at the construction site there was previously a cemetery where wanderers and homeless people were buried. In the common people, this building was initially called "a monastery on squalid houses." It was completed during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who raised money for construction by leasing land holdings, so the monastery was called "room".

In 1802-1806, the buildings were restored and part of the buildings were erected anew. After the war of 1812, the stone cathedral was completely destroyed. The buildings were restored gradually and by the beginning of the 20th century, two churches were located on the territory - the Protection of the Mother of God and the Resurrection. With the advent of Soviet power, the churches were ravaged, the bell tower was destroyed, and a Culture Park was laid out on the site of the church cemetery. In 1994, the buildings were again given to the Russian Orthodox Church and a decision was made to restore and reconstruct. The temple was made a female abode. The Pokrovsky stavropegic convent has become a real refuge for believers. In 1998, the relics of Eldress Matrona were brought to it, who was later canonized.

Patroness of the monastery

The patroness of the monastery in Pokrov is Matrona of Moscow. This woman was known to the whole district. She was born into a poor peasant family. Matrona's mother did not want her birth, but having seen a prophetic dream, she decided to give birth to a child. Matrona was born blind, but by the age of 7 she had shown the gift of providence. She predicted various events and even healed people. There were many legends about her, and people always came to her house in need of help and healing.

Even after death, Matrona continues to help those in need. Pilgrims who come to the monastery ask the holy eldress for deliverance from diseases, for the gift of a child. Many people are helped by prayers and an appeal to the relics of Matrona. Couples who have already despaired of waiting for replenishment in the family, after visiting the monastery, find the strength to continue to believe and hope for a miracle. And very often their wish comes true.

Shrines that are in the monastery

Two of the most significant shrines are kept in the Intercession Monastery:

  • relics of Matrona of Moscow;
  • icon of the Mother of God "Seeking the Lost".

There are many legends about the icon kept within the walls of the monastery. It was written by an unknown icon painter, but he received a blessing to start work from the very old woman Matrona. After some time, the artist complained that he could not continue his work and was hindered by an unknown force. Matrona advised him to confess and receive communion. The icon painter listened to the advice and was able to finish the work.

How to get to the monastery

The Intercession Monastery is located at: 109147, Moscow, st. Taganskaya, 58. Nonresident pilgrims can come to Moscow by train or using any other means of transport. It is more convenient to get off at the Marksistskaya metro station and walk along Taganskaya Street. The journey takes only about 10 minutes. You can use the tourist guide. The Intercession Convent is a vibrant metropolitan landmark and is marked on almost all maps with pointers.

Convent buildings

The following structures are located on the territory of the Intercession Women's Monastery:

  • Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • Church of the Resurrection of the Word;
  • abbot building;
  • Bell tower;
  • tower and fences;
  • courtyard in Strogino.

On the territory of the Intercession Monastery there is a small hotel where pilgrims can stay. Guided tours are organized for visitors. The purpose of the group excursions is spiritual enlightenment. They are often attended by schoolchildren as part of entire classes. Also, the ministers of the temple conduct spiritual readings.

How to ask for help

People visiting the monastery often come with a purpose and hope for a miracle. You can pray in a temple or church. If a person does not have the opportunity to come to the Intercession Monastery, you can pray at home in front of the icon of St. Matrona or write a letter, which will later be laid at the relics of the patroness.

The doors of the monastery are open to visitors every day from 7.00 to 20.00. Divine service is performed every Saturday. For a more detailed schedule of services, contact the abbots when visiting the monastery.

If a person needs a personal conversation with a clergyman, one should turn to the abbess. With her, you can discuss the desire to go to a monastery and devote yourself to serving God.

Rules of conduct on the territory of the monastery

When visiting the Intercession Monastery, it is important to follow a number of rules. It is prohibited on the territory:

  • conduct video and photography;
  • talk noisily, laugh;
  • smoke and drink alcohol.

It is worth paying attention to the appearance. Visitors should wear long skirts or dresses, but not in trousers, not in provocative clothes. There must be a scarf or any other suitable headdress on the head. It is better to refuse bright makeup before visiting the monastery.

It is better to turn off your mobile phone at the entrance to the gates of the monastery. Calls will not distract from prayers and contemplation of beauty, enjoyment of silence. You cannot take animals with you.

Church shop

On the territory of the Intercession Monastery there is a church shop, which presents a variety of goods for performing rituals, visiting temples and reading home prayers. You can buy rare church literature and candles there. The oil brought from the monastery has healing power. Parishioners are happy to buy flowers in the church shop, but only after worshiping the relics of the holy Eldress Matrona. It is believed that these flowers will protect the house from troubles and misfortunes for a long time. Only they do not need to be thrown away after wilting. You should pick the petals and dry them.

In the shop you can buy church fabrics, baptismal shirts, pectoral crosses and accessories. Wedding rings purchased at the monastery will protect young spouses and preserve their marriage. On the territory of the Intercession Women's Monastery, there is also an opportunity to purchase many bright souvenirs for personal use or for gifts.

To support the Intercession Stavropegic Convent, you can not only buy something in the store, but also make a voluntary donation during a personal visit or remotely by sending any amount to the official bank account of a religious organization.
