Sometimes unforeseen situations occur when tickets are already on hand, and the trip has to be postponed or, conversely, accelerated. Therefore, the issue of ticket exchange is very relevant and serious, especially for railway transport, because there are special procedures on it.

Step 1
According to the rules that are in force on the Russian Railways, the exchange of railway documents due to the change in the departure date of the train is not provided. However, you can return the existing ticket, and buy a new one on the date that is needed.
Step 2
Before leaving to return a ticket, it is necessary to assess the situation that may arise with travel documents for the desired date, and then return the existing one. Refunds of tickets, in accordance with railway regulations, are made in the presence of a document proving the identity of the passenger who purchased the travel document.
Step 3
Returning train tickets issued for another passenger must present a notarized power of attorney. The costs of payment for services rendered by commercial cash desks will also not be refunded. Refunds to passengers for an unused ticket are made upon presentation of documents that prove their identity, while the details of the documents must correspond to the details specified in the tickets.
Step 4
The cost of a travel document includes the cost of a reserved seat, the cost of a ticket, insurance and commission fees. The cost of a ticket means the cost of railway transportation, it is indicated in the first line in the travel document. The cost of a reserved seat includes the cost of a bed, which is indicated on the ticket form next to the ticket price.
Step 5
On the domestic railway service, upon the return of unused railway travel documents, the passenger is compensated for: - the full cost of the ticket and the full cost of the reserved seat when returning the train tickets no later than 8 hours before the train departure; - the full cost of the ticket and half the cost of the reserved seat when returning the train tickets during the period from 2 to 8 hours before the departure of the train; - the full cost of the ticket for the return of railway tickets in the period less than 2 hours before the departure of the train and no later than 12 hours after its departure.
Step 6
Commissions and other (with the exception of insurance) fees paid during the purchase of train tickets are not refunded to the passenger. Also, the passenger is charged a commission for the return made.