Travel and Tourism - Reviews, Rules for Recreation and Instructions for Newbies

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How To Get A Private Invitation For A Foreigner

How To Get A Private Invitation For A Foreigner

There are different ways of applying for a visa to the Russian Federation, depending on the purposes for which you are entering the country. In particular, if a foreigner travels to visit relatives and friends, an invitation is drawn up for him to justify his arrival in the country

How To Make A Passport In Krasnoyarsk

How To Make A Passport In Krasnoyarsk

Traveling is not only a great way to get to know the world, its culture and the way of life of people on other continents, but also just an opportunity to change the boring environment and relax by the sea. In any case, you will need a passport to travel abroad

How To Know If A Visa Is Ready

How To Know If A Visa Is Ready

Each consulate will respond differently to your desire to know if your visa is ready. Usually, the visa center sets the date of your arrival for your passport immediately on the day of receipt of documents. But if you have free access to the Internet, then it is quite possible to find out at what stage of consideration your documents are

How To Get A US Green Card

How To Get A US Green Card

The presence of a green card means the right to permanently reside in the United States. Obtaining permanent resident status is quite difficult, as it is necessary to belong to one of the following categories of people: children of American citizens, their spouses and relatives (brothers and sisters), skilled and unskilled workers, spouses and unmarried children of permanent residents of the United States

How To Fill Out An Application For A Passport

How To Fill Out An Application For A Passport

Despite the seeming simplicity of paperwork for a passport, the stage of drawing up a questionnaire is a lot of trouble and takes a lot of time. And often, due to acceptable mistakes, we have to go to the department of the FMS more than once

How To Find Out If A Visa Is Ready

How To Find Out If A Visa Is Ready

The ability to find out about the readiness of a visa depends on the specific consulate or visa center. As a rule, the date of arrival for the passport is appointed when accepting documents. But you can often find out at what stage of consideration they are by phone or via the Internet

How To Get An Invitation To The USA

How To Get An Invitation To The USA

Any visit to the United States begins with an official invitation. Even if you just want to visit friends or relatives. Or take a tourist trip. What is the easiest way to get an invitation to the USA? It is necessary Sheet of paper, pen, computer, printer, fax, envelope

How To Get A Residence Permit In Ukraine

How To Get A Residence Permit In Ukraine

A residence permit in Ukraine may be needed for those who are going to settle there for a long time or permanently. According to the current Ukrainian laws, a foreigner can stay in Ukraine for no more than 90 days in a row. If you have a permanent or temporary residence permit, this restriction is lifted

How To Cancel A Schengen Visa

How To Cancel A Schengen Visa

According to the rules of the Schengen Agreement, one person can only have one valid visa issued by the country of the agreement. Therefore, a situation may arise when the obtained visa needs to be canceled. How can this be done? It is necessary - international passport

How To Restore A Train Ticket

How To Restore A Train Ticket

If you lose your pre-purchased train ticket, you may find yourself in a very difficult situation, whether you are at home or traveling. Fortunately, it is possible to restore the form of such a ticket. Instructions Step 1 Check if you can get your lost ticket back

How To Draw Up Documents For A Trip To Germany

How To Draw Up Documents For A Trip To Germany

To visit Germany, you will need a tourist, visitor, work or business visa. And if everything is more or less clear with a tourist visa: it is usually provided by a tour operator, then in the process of obtaining other types of visas, you can face a number of difficulties

How To Fill Out A New Generation Passport Application Form

How To Fill Out A New Generation Passport Application Form

Correct filling of the questionnaire is a guarantee that you will hand over all documents for obtaining a biometric passport in one day. When filling out the questionnaire, there are tricks and pitfalls. Instructions Step 1 The questionnaire is one sheet with questions and data about a person

How To Issue A Call To Germany

How To Issue A Call To Germany

Making an invitation abroad is one of the main points required for obtaining a visa. So, for example, if you want to invite guests to your place in Germany, then you must make a call for them. On the basis of this invitation, the German Embassy will accept the issue of issuing a visa to those people who are going to visit you

How To Get A Schengen Visa For A Pensioner

How To Get A Schengen Visa For A Pensioner

A Schengen visa allows you to travel without restrictions to 25 European countries, therefore it has gained considerable popularity among the people. The procedure for obtaining it contains a number of strict rules, following which you can easily get a visa yourself, even for a pensioner

How To Fill Out A French Questionnaire

How To Fill Out A French Questionnaire

France is a member of the European Union, that is, to visit it, you need to obtain a Schengen visa. This is a relatively simple procedure, since the French embassy requires a small list of documents to apply for a visa, and filling out the questionnaire presents no difficulties

How To Find Out If A Passport Is Made Or Not

How To Find Out If A Passport Is Made Or Not

An international passport is a document proving the identity of a Russian citizen outside the country. Every person traveling abroad should have it. If you have already started its design, then you can find out about its readiness in different ways

How To Get A Visa In Krasnoyarsk

How To Get A Visa In Krasnoyarsk

Getting a visa yourself is not so easy, especially if you are traveling abroad for the first time. However, the procedure for obtaining a visa can be simplified by contacting a well-established agency. Krasnoyarsk is almost a “millionaire city”, so there are more than enough opportunities for obtaining a visa in the capital of the region

How To Make Health Insurance For A Visa

How To Make Health Insurance For A Visa

One of the prerequisites for obtaining a visa to many countries is medical insurance. This document will save its owner from paying for possible medical services during the trip, the cost of which abroad is quite high. It is necessary - passport

How To Fill Out A Questionnaire In Lithuania

How To Fill Out A Questionnaire In Lithuania

Among the documents that must be provided in order to obtain a Schengen visa to Lithuania, there is also an application in the form of a questionnaire. A positive decision on the issuance of permission to enter the country largely depends on the correctness of its filling

How To Get A Visa To Riga

How To Get A Visa To Riga

In addition to the beautiful city of Riga in Latvia, you can visit Jurmala, Daugavpils, Jekabpils, Liepaja, but for such a trip you need to collect a package of documents and obtain a Schengen visa. Instructions Step 1 Download in the section "