Where To Go In Lviv

Where To Go In Lviv
Where To Go In Lviv

Lviv is a city with beautiful architecture. There you will find old narrow streets, towering spiers of Catholic cathedrals, medieval long houses with decorations on the roofs, many sculptures and cobbled streets. You need to walk around Lviv, going to relax in coffee shops and restaurants, this is the only way to get to know this city properly.

Where to go in Lviv
Where to go in Lviv

The entire historical center of Lviv is a UNESCO heritage, it is on the list of the cultural heritage of mankind. There are several thousand monuments of architecture, culture and history in the city. Lviv is also known for its festivals and holidays dedicated to ancient music and medieval culture. A separate attraction of the city can be called street performers, among whom most of all are musicians. The old part of Lviv is located in a small hollow surrounded by seven hills. In the center of the city there is Rynok Square, which is the oldest and most famous architectural ensemble of the city. The Town Hall, one of the symbols of the city, is located on the square. Two sculptures of lions are not installed near the entrance, but despite such formidable security, everyone can climb to the observation deck on the Town Hall tower. It offers a stunning view of the city center, you can see all the main attractions from a bird's eye view. The buildings adjacent to Rynok Square are of separate interest. Some of them were built in the XV-XVI centuries, others were built later. Various architectural styles, including Empire, Renaissance, and Baroque, are harmoniously combined with each other. Another symbol of Lviv is the monument to Adam Mickiewicz, the famous Polish poet, erected on Adam Mickiewicz Square, which was also named after him. Lvov - Opera House. Located at the intersection of Svoboda Avenue and st. Gorodotskaya, it is a true decoration of the city. Beautiful sculptures are installed on the roof of the theater, and the building itself is considered one of the most beautiful theatrical structures in Europe. There is a large fountain near the theater, around which people like to gather. In general, Svoboda Avenue is the center of Lviv social life. Not only tourists, but also residents of the city love to visit here. Many ancient Catholic churches sell special elegance to the architectural appearance of Lviv. The most famous of them are the Cathedral of St. George and the Cathedral. Must-see churches: Dominican, Bernardine and Jesuit. The city is not for nothing considered the coffee capital of Ukraine. There are necessarily several coffee shops on every street, and excellent coffee is brewed everywhere according to a variety of recipes. Here, when ordering this drink, you do not need to ask whether it is instant or natural, because everywhere it is a real aromatic grain coffee. In Lviv there are a large number of sculptures depicting all kinds of lions. A separate entertainment is to compare the lions encountered with those depicted on all kinds of souvenir products.
