Breeding elephants is not as profitable as catching, taming and training wild ones. These animals are inherently peaceful creatures, so problems with their upbringing usually do not arise.

- - a trained elephant;
- - cell.
Step 1
To catch an elephant, you must already have a trained elephant. Set up a very large cage in the elephant habitat. Place your trained elephant in this cage, but it will be better if you plant two or three individuals. Several elephants will get more attention than one. The more animals there are in the enclosure, the calmer the captured animal will feel. He will be surrounded by relatives, who, perhaps, will explain in their language to the elephant that he is safe and nothing bad will happen to him.

Step 2
Now all that remains is to wait. After a while, the smell of new elephants in these places will attract the attention of other animals. When one of them enters the cage, close it. However, not every elephant is suitable for training. Little and too young elephants depend on their mother, and the elephant mother will yearn for the child separated from her. Let the cubs go. Also send pregnant women and elephants with elephants to the wild, they are now unable to perceive the training.

Step 3
Too adult and old animals will not give in to training and education, these are already fully formed personalities. The ideal age for a trained wild elephant is 20 years. It is advisable to euthanize the caught animal with sleeping pills, so that its transportation would be more calm for both people and for the elephants themselves. If, for some reason, sleeping pills are not available to you, or it did not work on the wild animal, the captured elephant is tied between the trained ones.

Step 4
The animal will be more willing to walk alongside its relatives. If the animal resists and actively does not want to obey people, try to feed it. This will let the elephant understand that you do not wish him harm and will not harm him. But if even after this the animal refuses to obey, you still have to get a tranquilizer somewhere. Or release the restless beast and try to catch a calmer one.