Akita is a city located in the central part of Japan. From the west it is washed by the Sea of Japan. It shares a border with the cities of Semboku and Kitaakita. Akita city is rich in parks and forest areas. Although Akita is not a well-developed tourist city, the influx of tourists to it has recently begun to increase dramatically.

Features of the
The climate of the city is moderate. In winter, the temperature barely drops to negative. In two thousand and eight, the lowest temperature for the region was recorded - minus five degrees Celsius, and the highest - plus thirty-seven degrees. Average rainfall is about 1500-1750 millimeters per year. This is due to the coastal location of the city.
Many tourists pay attention to the cedar groves, which are full in this cozy city. Others are attracted by the deepest lake in Japan - Tazawa. In addition, a very popular attraction is the cedar, two hundred and fifty years old and over fifty meters high. It is also advised to visit the drum festival and see the largest drum in the whole world.
Foundation and city in modern times
Initially, there was a village on the site of Akita, but in one thousand eight hundred and eighty-ninth year he was granted the status of a city. In one thousand nine hundred and one, a power plant was built, and a little later, a railway station. Subsequently, oil fields were discovered, which gave impetus to the economic development of the city, and until now the main income for the city is brought precisely by oil refining.
During the Second World War, the Akita port was constantly attacked by bombers from the United States Army. In the field of war, the main task of the population was to rebuild the city. In 1949, Akita University was built, and two cities later an airport was founded. In 1975, the development of a local exchange began. In 1997, the city was included in the list of the central cities of Japan.
-Akita Castle. The ruins are located in the Jinai-Takashimizu area. In seven hundred and thirty-third year, a military fort was moved from the mouth of the Mogami, which later received the name "Akita Castle". In fiftieth year, the castle was abandoned.
-Museum of art
-Park Senshu.
-Omoriyama Zoo
-A huge number of forests and a variety of parks.
-The largest of the Japanese lakes - Tazawa.
-Cedar, two hundred and fifty years old.
-The world's largest drum and drum festival.
Despite the lack of more notable attractions, as in Tokyo and Kyoto, Akita mesmerizes tourists with its natural beauty: pristine forests, parks and, of course, the Sea of Japan. In addition, the city is famous for the beauty of local girls and the quality of alcohol. In addition, fairs are often held, and there are also plenty of various souvenir shops. This city is perfect for those wishing to be alone with nature or, conversely, have fun in a pleasant company.