A healthy spirit of adventurism can easily take you into the depths of unfamiliar settlements. So deep that it costs nothing to get lost. What to do if you get lost in an unfamiliar city? First of all, of course, do not panic and calmly follow the simple instructions.

Once in an unfamiliar area, you should contact passers-by and ask about the way to a familiar point - a hotel, shop or metro station. Of course, the interlocutors should be chosen from those who inspire confidence and dispose to themselves. It is better to avoid marginalized townspeople.
If on the territory of Russia disorientation in a foreign city is not so terrible, then abroad everything becomes more complicated. In this case, one should not hope that a Russian-speaking fellow countryman will suddenly appear on the road in Paris or Luxembourg. It is safer to contact the police directly and tell them the address of the desired location.
It is a great success if you come across large hotels along the way, the staff of which, as a rule, is trained to communicate with tourists who do not speak English well.
The best ally in finding your way home is a taxi. You need to walk to any object with an address plate and order a car to your destination. Of course, if you get lost two steps to the right place, the operator will certainly draw the customer's attention to this. Or, it may even suggest the optimal way to the desired point, without placing an order for a car. You can also walk to the taxi rank, but this is generally more expensive.
Online Maps
Online maps are among those useful and indispensable smartphone apps that any traveler should have at their disposal. The application can be downloaded directly when needed, but it can take time and precious minutes of mobile Internet traffic.
It will be possible to save money if there is a free wi-fi access point nearby, for example, in public catering. After downloading the application, it is enough to enter two address points - the current and the desired location - and go through the marked route.
Call your friends
If, for one reason or another, it was not possible to turn to the online maps, you can contact any acquaintance who has access to the Internet. It is necessary for the person to go to the online Google or Yandex maps and orient along the route. To understand the starting point, you need to name the address on the plate of any nearby building.
additional battery
A critical case - if you cannot use the Internet because the battery has run out. In this case, you need to find the nearest store of cellular communication or mobile devices. It is enough to buy an external battery and charge the phone to find a way to navigate in space.