There are often cases when a person leaves for the forest for berries or mushrooms and disappears. If you suddenly realize that you are in the place of this unfortunate person, do not panic and follow a few rules.

Step 1
Stay where you are.
If you get lost in the forest, because for some reason you have lagged behind the group or wandered too far, stay where you are. There is no need to go further, as you will only aggravate the situation. Call someone if you have a mobile phone with you. Save it charging.
Step 2
Respond with noise to noise.
If you hear incomprehensible sounds, noises, or rustles, shout and whistle back.
Step 3
Leave signals.
Make slides of stones, and use the branches to lay out arrows. Knit pieces of clothing into the trees. Try to go outdoors during the day. Leave clear marks on your shoes.
Step 4
Try to keep warm and strong.
You should not lie on bare ground in the forest. Try making yourself a shelter with twigs and leaves. Cover with dry foliage at night.
Step 5
Be careful.
Don't eat strange berries and mushrooms. Try not to drink water from sources. Think that you will soon be found, and you simply will not have time to get hungry.