How To Take A Feng Shui Vacation

How To Take A Feng Shui Vacation
How To Take A Feng Shui Vacation

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If you dream of going on a trip, but either time or money for a vacation is not enough, then the ancient teachings of feng shui will come to the rescue. We must always believe that the Universe always fulfills our desires.

How to take a Feng Shui vacation
How to take a Feng Shui vacation


Step 1

The house has an area responsible for recreation, and more specifically, for travel. It is located to the right of the front door. You just need to activate this area, let the positive Chi energy into your home. First you need to do a general cleaning.

After clearing the zone, make a "wish map". To do this, you will need a sheet of paper with photos or pictures of the places you would like to visit attached to it. It is recommended to hang the map on the wall in the travel area. When leaving the house, always look at the pictures. The main thing is that the mood at this time is good. Your "visual request" for the fulfillment of a wish will be "sent" in this way. You can be sure that the Universe will accept it.

Step 2

Be sure to activate Metal in the travel zone - the element that controls it. To do this, you need to put metal objects in the shape of a circle or oval on the shelf. Place a bell in the corner so you can ring it from time to time.

Step 3

Carry with you a talisman - a hieroglyph, pasted on a piece of cardboard, "Fulfillment of desires." He will activate the energy responsible for our dreams. If the same hieroglyph is located in your house, then it will help you sort out your own desires and desires, as well as realize your plans.
