An architecture firm plans to use plastic bottles that are caught specifically for the construction of beach cabins on the Singapore coast. In some ways, the houses resemble a big bump.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the organization will have to find tons of plastic bottles in the ocean. One of the objectives of the project is to create comfortable camping spots on the Singapore beach. Also, the authors of the idea want the public to pay attention to the issue of ocean pollution.
After making calculations, scientists came to the conclusion that plastic debris is the cause of the death of several million birds. Tens of thousands of animals also die because of it. Most of the waste is dense material. It is often used to make bottles like this. This kind of material is not capable of degradation, even if it is exposed to the environment.
After catching plastic waste from the sea, experts carry out sorting by shade. Next, the waste is crushed and placed in suitable molds. There it heats up until it melts. When the workpieces have cooled down, they are removed from the mold. As a result, you can get tiles of interesting shades.
According to the director of one of the companies, his firm is cladding the facades of houses. To do this, they use shingles; for its manufacture, recycled plastic is often used. The roofs of such buildings resemble the roof of an old house, which is covered with shingles. In addition, a battery is provided on the roofs.
The architects claim that the casuarine tree inspired them to create such an unusual design of the houses. It can often be found on Asian beaches. This project was conceived for the beaches of Singapore, but after a while the Australians liked it.
The idea of using this material for construction came to Pimby after reading a story about a company that decided to create sneakers using recycled waste.
He says that several decades later, construction companies will no longer use plastic bottles. However, architects can use this material to translate interesting ideas into reality.
Several million tons of plastic bottles end up in the ocean every year. Under the influence of water and sunlight, they decompose into small elements, which are subsequently consumed by marine life. Scientists say that if this situation is not corrected, then a few decades later, the number of plastic bottles in the ocean will exceed the number of fish.