On our planet, you can count a huge number of different seas and oceans, but only one of them is striking in the depth of the waters. The Coral Sea of the Pacific Ocean is the most unexplored, its depths hide the inhabitants who never rise to the surface, how many and what they are, one can only guess.

Step 1
Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, among the shores of New Guinea and Australia, there is the deepest sea on the planet - the Coral Sea. If we talk about the maximum depth in numbers, then according to exact calculations it is 9174 meters, with a total area of 4068 meters and an average volume of water 11,470 meters. The Coral Sea is called because it is dominated by coral island settlements and reefs.
Step 2
It is in this unique sea that the world's longest coral reef is located, almost two thousand kilometers long and two kilometers wide. From the side, the reef resembles a fortress wall, which was submerged in water. It includes a huge number of different islands gathered in one whole. At the same time, this natural structure is a home for marine life and living organisms.

Step 3
In the Coral Sea you can find starfish and urchins, sea turtles, exotic fish and a variety of sea worms. At the bottom of this beautiful sea, algae and small underwater plants are located, most of which have not yet been studied, and large crabs often emerge from under the reefs, waving their massive claws.
Step 4
Some corals at first glance may seem completely safe, divers who dive in the Coral Sea often neglect safety rules and try to remove limestone. Sometimes such carelessness turns into a tragedy. So, for example, the Fire Coral at the ends of its base, it has flat and thin plates, which, in contact with the human body, leave burns. Such plates help the coral to defend itself and at the same time to attack the victim. The lamellar needles work on the principle of a harpoon, they are completely invisible and contain inside a capsule in the form of an elastic thread, on which a huge number of spikes are located, directed in the opposite direction.