The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has issued an official statement in which it recommends that Russians who are going on vacation to Egypt to be more careful in this country. In particular, our compatriots are not recommended to travel outside their resorts.

This recommendation is related to the increased incidence of demonstrations and other mass public actions in Egypt, which have recently ended in clashes between demonstrators. Once in the area where they are held, vacationers can unwittingly become participants in events that threaten their health and life. For example, during the last incident, a group of unidentified persons attacked protesters outside the Egyptian Ministry of Defense. At the same time, the attackers pelted the demonstrators with stones and Molotov cocktails. The result is sad - 11 people died from shots to the head, more than 200 were injured.
The political situation in Egypt is currently exacerbated by outbursts of violence around the government's reform program designed to create the necessary conditions for the sustainable socio-economic development of Egypt. Opponents of reform are demanding that the country's military leadership immediately transfer power to the civilian government, and are protesting against the expulsion from the presidential race of Abu Ismail, disqualified for his mother's dual citizenship.
Those who disagree believe that the election commission made such a decision solely under pressure from the military, which thus prevent radical Islamists from coming to power. Also, the military leadership is blamed for the criminal inaction during the attack on the Salafi camp. This caused a wide resonance in society: several presidential candidates at once suspended their election campaigns, political debates between the main candidates were canceled.
The Egyptian military leadership has shown itself to be completely powerless to stop the violence, although it was intended to ensure the peace and safety of citizens during the election of a new president of the country. Despite the ultimatum on the transfer of power presented to them by the Salafis and liberals, they do not want to keep it after July 30, when the official inauguration of the elected president is due.