What Country Is South Africa

What Country Is South Africa
What Country Is South Africa

In the very south of the African continent is the Republic of South Africa (South Africa). A country on the border of two oceans. "Country of the Rainbow" - so figuratively called South Africa because of the diversity of races inhabiting the country, which resemble the colors of the rainbow.

People of southern africa
People of southern africa

Country features

South Africa has many features. It is known that in any state there are three powers: legislative, executive and judicial. South Africa has three capitals, which represent each of them: Cape Town - the legislative capital (Parliament is located here), Pretoria - the administrative capital of the country (seat of the government), Bloemfontein (institution of the Supreme Court) - the capital of the judiciary.

South Africa is in stark contrast between well-maintained neighborhoods with representative office buildings, banks, businesses, wealthy mansions, and slum districts on the outskirts of the city. An example of this is Soweto, a suburb of Johannesburg, home to settlers from the apartheid era and the neighboring diamond corporation De Beers.

South Africa contains 80% of the world's diamond reserves, more than half of the world's gold reserves. The discovery of gold in 1886 and diamonds in 1867 contributed to the increase in the number of European settlers, their enrichment and the strengthening of the enslavement of the indigenous people. The Boers stubbornly resisted the British invasion, but were defeated in the "Boer War" (1898-1902). As a result, the Union of South Africa applied the policy of apartheid - the oppression of individual races. The 90s of the 20th century, as a result of the prolonged struggle of the indigenous population for their rights, put an end to the policy of apartheid and led to the rule of the black majority.

People of southern africa

Also, one of the peculiarities of the country is the multitude of nationalities living on its territory. The country has 11 official state languages. Along with English - Afrikaans, Zulu, Swazi, Ndebele, Kosa, Pedi, Tswana, Venda, Suto, Tsonga.

Religious traditions occupy an essential place in the way of life and culture of the nationalities inhabiting the country. All religious groups have strong traditions of marriage and family, but the most powerful cult is belief in a male deity, as well as in supernatural powers and transmigration of spirits. In general, the culture of South Africa is the result of many years of mixing the cultures of the African continent and Europe.

Thanks to its climate, South Africa is a subtropical paradise on earth. Due to the geographical location and the influence of the surrounding oceans, in summer the temperature does not exceed 30 ° C, in winter the temperature does not drop below 10-15 ° C. Nature wakes up in all colors in spring. And then her new birth takes place, and with her the people of this beautiful, diverse and amazing country. This is another reason why South Africa is called the country of the rainbow.
