The village of Veshenskaya is located in the north of the Rostov region and is closely related in the name of the famous writer Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. In the village, many attractions are associated with Sholokhov, but there are still places that must be visited.

At the end of May every year in the village of Veshenskaya, an all-Russian literary and folklore holiday "Sholokhov Spring" is held. The guests of the holiday actively participate in concerts, performances, competitions for singers and dancers, and sports. And of course, they watch the beautiful theatrical action on the first day of the opening of the holiday. In the village, for two days of the festival, a fair is unfolding, where folk craftsmen show their creativity. Such a holiday does not pass without jokes, dances, songs and beautiful folk costumes.
Of course, in Veshenskaya you should also visit the estate-museum of Sholokhov. In this house Mikhail Aleksandrovich wrote the third book of The Quiet Don and the first book of Virgin Soil Upturned. The museum is a two-story mansion with a terrace and balcony, as well as a large garden. The museum has fully preserved the furnishings and personal belongings of the Sholokhov family. On the territory of the estate you can also see a 400-year-old oak, which bears the status of a "living natural monument" The museum is open every day except Monday from 9 am to 4 pm and is located at the following address: Sholokhovsky district, Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, 60 Sholokhova February).
Especially for tourists, a Druid trail has been organized in the village. This is a dendrological hiking trail that runs through the forest and is surrounded by picturesque landscapes. A wide variety of tree species grow here, including maple, walnut, fig, white poplar. This trail will never overgrow, because it leads into the famous 400-year-old oak tree.
You can look at paintings with Veshensky landscapes, buy videos about the village, as well as Don souvenirs in the art salon "ARTkazak". Here you will be met by Alexander Shchebunyaev, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. The salon is located at: stanitsa Veshenskaya, st. Podtelkova, house 59. Working hours: from 10 to 15 hours from Tuesday to Sunday.
On the banks of the Don is the composition "Grigory and Aksinya", beloved by everyone for photography. It was in this place that Sholokhov drew inspiration for his books. Maybe, after visiting this place, you will discover your writing talent? The sculpture is made of bronze and has a height of 6.5 meters. Initially, this sculpture was installed in 1983 on the embankment of Rostov-on-Don. And in 1995 the sculpture was moved to Veshenskaya, where events took place with the heroes.
Near the village of Veshenskaya, near the Kruzhilinsky farm, on an eight-meter-high bulk mound, a large sculptural exposition "To the Cossacks of the Quiet Don" is installed. The weight of the sculpture is about eight tons, and the figure of a seated Cossack on a horse is made in two natural sizes.
If you want to touch the nature of Sholokhov times, go to the Paniki tract. This local botanical natural monument is located near the Antipovsky farm, Sholokhovsky district. The tract covers an area of 15 hectares and is a sandy loam and sandy soil with pronounced sections of the steppe in combination with a forest of talnikovy species. Here you can find alder, birch, aspen, willow, thyme and many other interesting plants. Take a walk along the ecological trail and breathe in the fresh, gas-free air.
The village of Veshenskaya, like the entire Sholokhovsky district, is a landmark of our country. Residents try to preserve history and show their treasures to everyone. This means that at least once in your life you just need to visit this area and be sure to visit the brightest folklore festival "Sholokhov Spring".