Long May holidays provide an opportunity to take a break from work and improve health after a long winter, saving vacation time. That is why the peak of sales of vouchers to Turkey and Egypt falls on May.

Turkey in May - the weather depends on the year
No matter what managers in travel agencies say, it can still be cool on the Mediterranean coast in early May. In not too hot years, the water temperature at this time does not rise above 20-22oC, and the air temperature - 23-26oC. Of course, in comparison with Russia, especially with the north of the country, Turkey is warmer. But for those who want to enjoy a good rest and comfortable water, it is better to go there in late May - early June.
However, if swimming in the sea is not a priority, you can relax in Turkey very well. On May holidays, beautiful shows are usually held in hotels, animators try to entertain guests so that they do not get bored. In addition, May, with its cool weather, is a great month for excursions. A long journey will not be so tiring, and sightseeing under the scorching summer sun is much more difficult.
It is better to buy tickets for the May holidays to Turkey and Egypt in advance, even in winter. During this time, early booking discounts are available from the hotels. You can save up to 20% on accommodation.
Also, the end of spring is a good time to relax with babies. There will not be a sharp change in climate, which means that a negative reaction of the child's body will not follow. But the child will perfectly improve his health even without swimming in the sea, breathing the iodized air of the coast.
Egypt - hot May guaranteed
Egypt is closer to the equator than Turkey, so the water in the Red Sea warms up to a comfortable temperature by mid-April. And in May, cold winds stop blowing, jellyfish leave the coast, and the most comfortable season begins - when it is not too hot in the daytime and it is not cold at all in the evening. The end of spring is a great time for a beach holiday in Egypt, for diving, snorkeling, sailing, sailing, etc.
May is also a suitable month for excursions. The heat is not yet so noticeable, especially in the Nile Delta, where the Giza plateau and pyramids are located. But in the desert, in the Valley of the Kings, it can be hot. Therefore, when going on excursions, wear thin cotton clothes and use a protective cream. And in order not to freeze on the bus under air conditioning - bring a pareo or windbreaker.
In order not to worry about trip cancellation due to force majeure (resumption of hostilities in Egypt, etc.), make travel cancellation insurance. Extra $ 20-30 will save you money and nerves.
May is a very popular month for tourists. Seeing a large flow of travelers, Egyptian sellers double the price tag by two or three times. If you do not want to overpay - feel free to bargain. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Bargaining is a kind of ritual. Depending on how persistent you are, the price may be dropped three or five times, and then even thank you for your purchase.