Many legends shroud Bran Castle - this is the real name of Dracula's Castle. In fact, located in Romania, the castle has a very real history of its existence, which has nothing to do with mysticism.

Bran Castle is located three dozen kilometers from Brasov on the border of Transylvania and Muntenia.
The construction of the castle began in 1377 and lasted five years, at that time it was a fortress, thanks to which it was possible to control migration and the borders between the principalities. Later, in 1622-1625, towers were erected here, the main purpose of which was to observe trade routes and travelers coming from other states.
The mystical legend of Count Dracula was invented by the locals, who are in awe of the mystery and gloom of the castle, which has many secret passages, rooms and labyrinths. This is a kind of image for the castle, which is located on a rocky mountain, because the castle itself is made in the Gothic style, which perfectly emphasizes the fear and mystery of what happened here many years ago.
For a long time, the owners of the castle were residents of the surrounding area, who built this castle at their own expense, for which they were exempted from paying taxes. After that, the castle belonged to different owners, but the famous vampire Dracula was never among them.
A popular destination for tourists and mysticism lovers, it inspires fear and blissful awe, fueled by the architecture and interiors assembled by Queen Mary. It was to this ruler of Romania that the castle was given into possession in 1920 by the inhabitants of Brasov.
From 1920 to 1927, restorations were carried out in the castle under the direction of the architect Karel Liman. Parks and walkways, a lake and a fountain appeared near the castle.
In 1956, this magnificent building became a museum of feudal history. However, by that time the castle was already in ruins. The restoration of the building began again in 1987. By 1993, all work was completed.
In modern times, the castle belongs to the grandson of Queen Mary, Dominic of Habsburg.