Water covers about three quarters of the total surface area of our planet. No other planet in our galaxy can boast of a similar one. In the deepest places of the world's oceans, secrets are hidden, which many people dream of scouting.

Step 1
Deep depressions in the ocean floor are called “troughs”. The deepest trench on the planet is located near the Mariana Islands group. It is called the "Mariana Trench". It is not only the deepest, but also the most ambitious - the total length is more than one and a half thousand kilometers. The deep-sea vehicles sinking to the bottom have been collecting information about this mysterious area of the Pacific Ocean for a long time. The results of the study shocked scientists: the depth of the gutter exceeds 11 thousand meters. For a long time, the strongest pressure of water masses did not allow to sink to the very bottom. This was only possible in 1960. This abyss frightens and attracts a person - the feat was repeated only in 2012 by director James Cameron, who had long dreamed of seeing the bottom of the legendary depression.
Step 2
Almost one and a half thousand meters inferior to the Mariana trench is another depression, also located in the Pacific Ocean - Tonga. It is called "alive": the chute is constantly moving, every year it moves to the south by a few centimeters. To the right of the depression are the picturesque islands of the same name. The most famous of them is Samoa. White sand, palm trees, a lagoon and rugged mountains - the variety of landscapes attracts tourists from all over the world. However, their peace is periodically disturbed by volcanoes, because the depression is located at the junction of the plates of the earth's crust, which in itself is the cause of strong underwater tremors. Storms and eruptions are not uncommon here.
Step 3
The three deepest depressions in the world ocean are completed by the Philippine. The reason for its occurrence was the "neighborhood" of the plates of the lithosphere, darkened by the strongest impact one against the other, when the continent of Pangea split into continents. This depression is the mother of tsunamis that destroy everything in their path. One gets the impression that the "conflict" continues to this day - it is in the place of this trough that two currents of different temperatures and two air currents collide.