Even if you are a born swimmer and feel like an amphibious person in the water, you should always remember that water and, especially, great depths, the environment is alien to humans. Modern technologies and life support systems have made it possible today to make deep diving even for beginners. The seeming ease of this process can play a cruel joke on you if you lose your guard and behave carelessly at depth.

Step 1
If you are going to seriously engage in diving and conquer great depths - up to 30-40 meters, you must cultivate responsibility and a sense of community. Because basic safety rules dictate that diving should not be done alone. Your partner is responsible for you, and you are responsible for him. And keep in mind that you will only be able to dive to such depths with a Deep Diver certification.
Step 2
Many of the professional scuba divers on land take special yoga practices aimed at developing breathing skills. Master at least the most basic breathing exercises or get the necessary knowledge about it from a professional instructor. This will allow you to properly plan your dive regime and behave at depth without panic, recognizing abnormal situations and prudently avoiding them.
Step 3
Pay special attention to your physical condition before diving; before that, the use of certain medications, alcohol, and smoking is strictly contraindicated. And you have nothing to do at depth if you have a cold and a stuffy nose. You must have a medical certificate confirming that you are in good physical shape.
Step 4
During a deep dive, control all its parameters: time, depth, remaining air supply. Your equipment must be checked before diving and is in perfect working order. Always keep your partner in sight. Learn the immersion sign exchange system that replaces normal speech. Use gear and wetsuits that are brightly colored and well visible in the water column. From a distance, yellow is visible in the water, and red at depth becomes almost black and is lost.
Step 5
To avoid decompression sickness, ascent from depth should be slow - not faster than air bubbles. Correctly plan the dive depth and time spent on it, use special tables for this - appendices to diving textbooks or a dive computer. Be sure to make safety stops - for 3 minutes at a 5-meter depth after each dive, you must have at least 50 bar of air supply, and at the end of the dive and exit to the surface - at least 30-40 bar.