In practice, a large number of fishermen are faced with such a difficult task as determining the depth of the reservoir. Arriving at an unfamiliar river or lake, even an experienced fisherman does not know the peculiarities of the bottom and depth. But this information is the key to successful fishing.

- - depth gauge;
- - echo sounder.
Step 1
The depth of the reservoir can be measured using a small depth gauge. Putting a heavy depth gauge is dangerous, as you can easily break the line when casting. The number of bites will depend on the accuracy with which the descent depth is set. You can also determine the depth of the reservoir by the nature of the water. If it is darker in one place than in other parts, this means that this is the deepest place. The water is smooth, but ripples in one place - this is a shallow.
Step 2
The sloping banks of the reservoir indicate a smooth slope of the bottom in the middle of the channel. In these areas, the bottom is often replete with sand spits descending to the fairway. The depth of a reservoir with a concave shore is always greater than that with a convex shore. Consider this when choosing a location.
Step 3
The abundance and height of thickets of aquatic and emergent vegetation can serve as one of the indicators of the depth of the reservoir. Plants often densely populate the depth of 0.5-2 meters. At such a depth, reed, cattail, sedge, pondweed, arrowhead and horsetail, as well as filamentous green algae, grow well. Lacustrine reeds and reeds are found in the coastal zone of the lake with a constant water level. They grow at a depth of up to two meters, and in reservoirs with a seasonal change in water levels - up to three meters.
Step 4
Egg pods and white water lilies in lakes are found up to a depth of three meters from the water's edge, in reservoirs with seasonal drainage - up to four meters. Urut, hornwort and elodea - up to four meters. Filamentous green algae, depending on the soil, relief and flow of the reservoir, grow to a depth of four meters, rarely - in slightly deeper places.
Step 5
Use an echo sounder to determine the depth of the reservoir, which is an excellent device that greatly facilitates the process of fishing. Submerge the transducer in the water and turn on the sounder. The bottom topography, accurate determination of depth and the presence of one or another fish in the reservoir will immediately appear on the screen.