The Most Interesting Places In Pripyat

The Most Interesting Places In Pripyat
The Most Interesting Places In Pripyat

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is known all over the world. After that, a huge Exclusion Zone was formed, the center of which was Pripyat. But the city is not so uninhabited, there are always excursions to the most interesting places.

The most interesting places in Pripyat
The most interesting places in Pripyat

On April 26, 1986, the largest man-made disaster in the world took place - the explosion of the fourth power unit of the nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the city of Pripyat. The accident has become the most destructive in terms of scale and number of victims. The Exclusion Zone was formed, from which about 115 thousand people were evacuated and about 600 people remained to fight the consequences of the explosion.

Now employees of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant live in Pripyat, who monitor the state of the nuclear power plant and maintain its performance. Excursions to Pripyat itself are organized for tourists. What is so interesting to see in the ghost town?

Shelter "Sarcophagus"

This shelter was built to close the destroyed fourth power unit and prevent further radiation release. About 90 thousand workers worked on the construction of the "Sarcophagus", who built it in the shortest possible time - 206 days. Now the "Sarcophagus" is gradually being destroyed, and work is underway on its reconstruction.


Exclusion Zone

The Exclusion Zone itself is divided into three parts: the main, 10-kilometer and 30-kilometer parts. It is dangerous to be in any of these zones, and you can only with special permission. For the liquidators and employees of the Chernobyl NPP, special conditions have been created for living and working in the radioactive zone.


Amusement park

The symbol of Pripyat is an amusement park with a Ferris wheel. The park was never officially opened; the opening was planned for May 1, 1986. According to one version, the rides were launched on April 27, 1986 in order to distract people's attention from the disaster.


Hotel "Polesie"

This insignificant building towered above the rest of the buildings of Pripyat. It was planned to make a cafe with a panoramic view on the roof of the hotel. But the plans were not destined to come true. During the disaster, soldiers and spotters settled in this hotel, who sent helicopters to the nuclear reactor in order to fill it with sand.


Rusty forest in Pripyat

The forest area, covering an area of 10 km2, acquired its name due to radiation, which painted the trees in a reddish color. The red forest was destroyed, but soon, thanks to natural resources, it was restored again.


ChNPP cooling pond in Pripyat

A cooling pond was dug for the needs of the nuclear power plant. During the accident, the pond received a huge dose of radiation, but it cannot be buried, since it is important for the normal functioning of the station. The employees of the Chernobyl NPP have to carefully monitor the water level in the pond in order to prevent the release of radionuclides.


Death bridge in Pripyat

On the way to Pripyat, you need to cross the bridge over the railway. During the accident, people came to this bridge and watched the reactor burn, not knowing that there was very high radiation in this place. Soon the bridge was closed on both sides, and only special vehicles were allowed to enter it.


Swimming pool "Azure" in Pripyat

This pool functioned after the accident. The nuclear power plant liquidators came here for a swim after work. The pool finished its work only in the late 90s.


DC "Energetik" in Pripyat

An important building in the cultural life of the city. There was a department store, a restaurant, a children's cafe, a hotel, a pharmacy, a gym, a house of culture and so on. Famous artists performed here. Once this house of culture was very visited, but now there is devastation all around.


Attention! Visiting these places can be life-threatening.
